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Building for Sale & Rent in Boeung Kak 2

Boeung Kak 2, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
Sale price
Rent per month
Property type other
Title Hard Title
Property ID 227761
Original ID REAKH-16
Listed 02/03/2023
Updated 14/03/2023

Contact Us

+85561 777 090

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✨ Rental Fee: $60,000/Month
✨ Sale Price: $ 9,000,000
✨ land title: Hard Title

📌land Size:23*25 (585m2)
📌Building size: 23*21(483m2)
📌Rooms: 110-150 rooms
📌Car parking lots:18

📌Total : 15 floors=7245sqm {Not include M and ground parking floor (M floor:88m2
Ground floor:483m)}
📌Total: 7,816m2

✨1th to 13th floor: can build rooms:
✅ 1st floor is reception
✅ 2th to 13th floor now are empty but we can 8rooms per floor(31m2* 2 rooms and 45m2* 6rooms)(note it takes about 4-6 months to make those rooms)
✅ 14th and 15th floor are penthouse

Contact us today for inspection and more information 📩

#building #sale #rent #commercial #tuolkork #phnompenh


Car Parking
Commercial area
Lift / Elevator
On main road


City Views



Living Areas


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Price Negotiable

Building for Sale & Rent in Boeung Kak 2

Boeung Kak 2, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh

For sale
For rent
$60,000per month

Building For Sale or Rent in Tuol Kork

✨ Rental Fee: $60,000/Month
✨ Sale Price: $ 9,000,000
✨ land title: Hard Title

📌land Size:23*25 (585m2)
📌Building size: 23*21(483m2)
📌Rooms: 110-150 rooms
📌Car parking lots:18

📌Total : 15 floors=7245sqm {Not include M and ground parking floor (M floor:88m2
Ground floor:483m)}
📌Total: 7,816m2

✨1th to 13th floor: can build rooms:
✅ 1st floor is reception
✅ 2th to 13th floor now are empty but we can 8rooms per floor(31m2* 2 rooms and 45m2* 6rooms)(note it takes about 4-6 months to make those rooms)
✅ 14th and 15th floor are penthouse

Contact us today for inspection and more information 📩

#building #sale #rent #commercial #tuolkork #phnompenh

Property Overview


Car ParkingCommercial area
Lift / ElevatorOn main road


City Views