Land for Sale & Rent in Chak Angrae Leu
Chak Angrae Leu, Meanchey, Phnom Penh
Land Area (m²)
Property type Land/Development
Title Hard Title
Property ID 217378
Listed 07/08/2022
Updated 10/08/2022
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+85561 777 090
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This plot of land situated at the centre of Hun Sen Blvd is nearby many upcoming businesses such as HGB Showroom, Borey Angkor Palace, ISPP, Mercedes Phnom Penh and Daun Penh Group Corporate building. This plot is available immediately! Please feel free to contact me!

Living Areas

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Land for Sale & Rent in Chak Angrae Leu
Chak Angrae Leu, Meanchey, Phnom Penh
For sale
For rent
2666Land Area (m²)
60M Land Near HGB Showroom For Rent/Sale
This plot of land situated at the centre of Hun Sen Blvd is nearby many upcoming businesses such as HGB Showroom, Borey Angkor Palace, ISPP, Mercedes Phnom Penh and Daun Penh Group Corporate building. This plot is available immediately! Please feel free to contact me!
Property Overview
Property type: Land/Development
Title: Hard Title
Property ID: 217378
Listed: 07/08/2022
Updated: 10/08/2022