4 Bed, 5 Bath Shophouse for Sale in Preaek Anhchanh
, Preaek Anhchanh, Mukh Kampul, Kandal
Sale price
Property type Shophouse
Title Hard Title
Property ID 218566
Listed 07/09/2022
Updated 07/09/2022
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Street 6A, next to Prek Anchanh market, land size 4.2m x 24m, house 4.2m x 16m, the rest is 6m before, after 2m, three floors, 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 1 living rooms, kitchen. New house, 14m road, main road to Borey. Price 99,500 Negotiable

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4 Bed, 5 Bath Shophouse for Sale in Preaek Anhchanh
Preaek Anhchanh, Mukh Kampul, Kandal
For sale
House for sale on Street 6A next to Prek Anchanh Market
Street 6A, next to Prek Anchanh market, land size 4.2m x 24m, house 4.2m x 16m, the rest is 6m before, after 2m, three floors, 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 1 living rooms, kitchen. New house, 14m road, main road to Borey. Price 99,500 Negotiable
Property Overview
Property type: Shophouse
Title: Hard Title
Agency: realestate.com.kh
Property ID: 218566
Listed: 07/09/2022
Updated: 07/09/2022