
Found 253 results

Found 253 results
House for Sale in Toul Sangkae 2
For sale
Price Negotiable
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 24/02/2025 Updated: 24/02/2025
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
🏦ផ្ទះល្វែងលក់បន្ទាន់នៅ សង្កាត់ទួលសង្កែ១ ខណ្ខឬស្សីកែវ Urgent sale (Negotiable), ABA Loan Available (@6.5% p.a. up to 25 Years repayment term)
For sale
Flat House
Tuol Sangkae 1, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 07/02/2025 Updated: 10/02/2025
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
វីឡា សម្រាប់លក់ | Villa For Sale
For sale
Chrang Chamres I, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 09/01/2025 Updated: 09/01/2025
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Shophouse for Sale in Khan Russey Keo
For sale
Price Reduced
Russey Keo, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 09/12/2024 Updated: 12/02/2025
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Twin Villa for Sale I Borey Vimean Phnom Penh
For sale
Price Negotiable
Twin Villa
Chrang Chamres 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 27/11/2024 Updated: 15/01/2025
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Link House for Sale I Borey Lim Chheanghak (KM 6)
For sale
Price Negotiable
Link House
Russey Keo, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 05/11/2024 Updated: 05/11/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Prince Villa for Sale I Borey Chip Mong Grand Phnom Penh
For sale
Price Negotiable
Tuol Sangke, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 03/09/2024 Updated: 25/09/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Flat House for Sale I Borey Vimean Phnom Penh
For sale
Price Negotiable
Flat House
Chrang Chamres I, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 24/08/2024 Updated: 02/09/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Shophouse for Sale/Rent I Toul Sangkae 2
For sale or rent
Price Negotiable
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 25/07/2024 Updated: 31/07/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
House for Sale in Russei Keo | Your i deal home or investment assets !
For sale
Price Negotiable
Russey Keo, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 11/07/2024 Updated: 11/07/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
House for Sale I Khan Russey Keo
For sale
Price Negotiable
Russey Keo, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 25/06/2024 Updated: 26/06/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
📣 ផ្ទះវីឡាសម្រាប់លក់ (លក់បន្ទាន់ខ្លាំង) | H0171
For sale
Urgent Sale
Rithy St 1928 1928 Mong, Tuol Sangkae 1, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 01/06/2024 Updated: 03/06/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Spacious Land With Villa For Sale I Khan Russey Keo
For sale
Price Negotiable
Russey Keo, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 30/05/2024 Updated: 26/06/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Shophouse For Sale I Borey Mongkul Phnom Penh
For sale
Price Negotiable
Kilomaetr Lekh Prammuoy, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 29/05/2024 Updated: 27/06/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Shophouse For Sale I Borey Mongkul Phnom Penh
For sale
Price Negotiable
Kilomaetr Lekh Prammuoy, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 29/05/2024 Updated: 29/05/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
House For Sale I Khan Russey Keo
For sale
Price Negotiable
Russey Keo, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 23/05/2024 Updated: 23/05/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
House For Sale I Khan Russey Keo
For sale
Price Negotiable
Russey Keo, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 23/05/2024 Updated: 23/05/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
House For Sale I Khan Russey Keo
For sale
Price Negotiable
Russey Keo, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 17/05/2024 Updated: 17/05/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
For sale
Price Negotiable
Russey Keo, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 17/05/2024 Updated: 17/05/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090

How much does a house in Russey Keo cost?
For houses available for sale in Russey Keo, we currently have 253 with prices ranging from $131,500 to $590,000, and the median property price is $230,000.

What are the most popular suburbs in Russey Keo?
Out of all the locations in Russey Keo the most popular suburbs are Russey Keo, Chrang Chamres I and Chrang Chamres 2 where you have a total of 163 properties.

The average bedroom count ranges from 4 to 6 bedrooms, with the most popular being 4 bedrooms in Russey Keo. The majority of these properties also offers a bathroom range between 4 and 6 with a median of 2 parking spots per property

According to our data the majority of the properties faces south followed by north and east facing alternatives.

Houses in Russey Keo have an average floor area of 93 with the lowest area being 65 square meters and the largest being 324 square meters.

The latest property listing was uploaded 20 hours, 25 minutes ago. A few different agencies are selling these properties, with realestate.com.kh (main account) and T'S HOME Real Estate being the top agencies.