
Found 14 results

Found 14 results
House for Sale in Toul Sangkae 2
For sale
Price Negotiable
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 24/02/2025 Updated: 24/02/2025
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Shophouse for Sale/Rent I Toul Sangkae 2
For sale or rent
Price Negotiable
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 25/07/2024 Updated: 31/07/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Shophouse for Sale/Rent I Toul Sangke
For sale or rent
Price Negotiable
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 19/04/2024 Updated: 16/07/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Spacious Link House for Sale and Rent
For sale or rent
Link House
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 08/04/2024 Updated: 03/09/2024
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
វីឡាឃីង សម្រាប់លក់ | King Villa For Sale
For sale
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 24/04/2023 Updated: 15/05/2023
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
វីឡាឃីង នៅបុរីអង្គរភ្នំពេញ សម្រាប់លក់ | King Villa For Sale​ at Borey Angkor Phnom Penh
For sale
Price Negotiable
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 20/04/2023 Updated: 15/05/2023
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
House for Sale or Rent
For sale or rent
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 11/04/2023 Updated: 11/04/2023
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
House for sale in Borey Vimean Phnom Penh5
For sale
Urgent Sale
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 20/12/2022 Updated: 22/12/2022
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Single Villa (Imperial Villa) in Borey Vimean Phnom Penh (Vimean Phnon Penh 598) His Excellency Chea Sophara Street,
For sale
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 25/10/2022 Updated: 09/03/2023
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Spacious and Classic Villa 7 Bedrooms For Sale in Camko City.
For sale
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 31/08/2022 Updated: 02/09/2022
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Twin Villa (corner house) in Peng Hout Borey (Peng Hout 598) HE Chea Sophara Street
For sale
Twin Villa
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 08/06/2022 Updated: 09/03/2023
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
Business house (Shophouse) in Borey Angphnom Penh (Project 1), Toul Songke 2nd, Khand Russy Keo,
For sale
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 01/04/2022 Updated: 09/03/2023
Tel: +855 61 77 7090
TS-582 - Townhouse for Sale in Toul Sangkae area
For sale
Flat House
Tuol Sangkae 2, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Listed : 07/12/2021 Updated: 09/03/2023
Tel: +855 61 77 7090