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+85561 777 090
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National road No.4, Ou Oknha Heng, Prey Nob, Sihanoukville
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Caractéristiques de la Propriété
Explore properties in Borey VIP SHV

Location Overview
$51K - $643K
$550 - $1K
À vendre
188 Homes
A louer
95 Homes
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Common Q & A
- How much do units cost in Borey VIP SHV?
The starting price for units in this project is $33 980,00.
For a Link House E0 E1 - Zone A prices fluctuate between $59,980 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 4.1m x 16m.
For a Cornered Link House E0 E1 - Zone A prices fluctuate between $65,380 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 4.1m x 16m.
For a Link House E0 E1 - Zone A prices fluctuate between $51,980 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 4.1m x 14m.
For a Cornered Link House E0 E1 - Zone A prices fluctuate between $56,980 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 4.2m x 14m.
For a Link House E0 E1 - Zone A prices fluctuate between $34,980 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 4.1m x 10.75m.
For a Cornered Link House E0 E1 - Zone A prices fluctuate between $36,980 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 4.1m x 10.75m.
For a Shop House E0 E1 E2 - Zone A prices fluctuate between None depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 5m x 16m.
For a Link House E0 E1 - Zone B prices fluctuate between $58,980 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 4.1m x 16m.
For a Cornered Link House E0 E1 - Zone B prices fluctuate between $63,980 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 4.1m x 16m.
For a Link House E0 E1 - Zone B prices fluctuate between $50,980 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 4.1m x 14m.
For a Cornered Link House E0 E1 - Zone B prices fluctuate between $55,980 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 4.1m x 14m.
For a Link House E0 E1 - Zone B prices fluctuate between $33,980 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 4.1m x 10.75m.
For a Cornered Link House E0 E1 - Zone B prices fluctuate between $35,980 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 0 units with floor area being 4.1m x 10.75.
- What are the highlights and facilities?
Highlights in this project include: Taux de rendement élevé, Développeurs de marques, Valeur d’appréciation élevée, Informations du développeur and Promotion préférentielle.
Facilities include: Espace commun and Jardin.