


シェムリアップはプノンペンの北西約314キロに位置し、国道6号線接されています。 シェムリアップは、11の地区、一つの中央の町、87のコミューンと921の村を含む13の行政区に分かれています。 2019年に国勢調査によると、約100万人の住民がいます。

この州には、東南アジア最大の湖であるトンレサップがあります。生物多様性により、この巨大な水路は1997年にユネスコによってカンボジア初の生物圏保護区として認められ、地域の持続可能性を促進しました。 また、湖周辺の水上集落には多くのベトナム人とチャムのコミュニティが住んでいます。

Phnom Kulen National Park is also located in this province, approximately 48 kilometres from the city centre. It attracts visitors to its two waterfalls and the “river of 1,000 lingas”, a carved riverbed abounding with unique insights into the 900 BC culture which created it. Given its cultural heritage and ecological features, Siem Reap is a key contributor to Cambodia’s overall tourism industry.

州のアンコールワット寺院は、毎年100万人以上の国際観光客を迎える世界的に有名な観光地となっています。 シェムリアップ国際空港は、カンボジアで2番目に大きい空港です。 昨年の最初の4か月間で、682,480回の訪問(国内および国際)があり、前年と比較して100,000以上増加しました。 国際直行便は主に、ベトナム、シンガポール、フィリピン、中国、タイ、日本などの他のアジア諸国からです。

2016年10月、カンボジア政府は、中国国有の雲南インベストメントホールディングス社との間で、シェムリアップにサービスを提供するために8億8,000万米ドルの新しい空港を建設することで合意に署名しました。建設工事が開始され、最初に約5億米ドルが第一と第二段階に使用されます。 最終段階ではさらに3億ドルの費用がかかります。 完成すると、空港は年間最大1,000万人の乗客を運ぶことができます。 建設には5年かかると予想されます。

In terms of residential space, Siem Reap does not have any major condominium developments in the pipeline. Rather, development has been focused on the tourism and hospitality sector. Tracking hotel development in the city is a challenge in itself as hotels open and close on an almost monthly basis, mainly among boutique hotel establishments. According to Knight Frank, there are currently 4 hotels with more than 50 keys in the pipeline with 740 keys across the board. This figure, however, does not include boutique hotels under construction.

Siem Reap Tourist Arrivals

Knight Frank’s research logged a total of 11,848 keys across 85 hotels in Siem Reap - about 139 rooms average per hotel as of the first half of 2019. The upcoming total hotel stock in Siem Reap is classified and composed accordingly: Luxury & Upper Upscale (58%) and Upscale & Upper Midscale (42%). Knight Frank has not recorded any Midscale & Economy hotels in their report.

Visitors to Siem Reap, however, are beginning to see a moderation of sorts. Tourist growth has stabilized at 5.4% year-on-year. According to data from the Ministry of Tourism, almost 40% of tourist arrivals in Cambodia are from China while tourists from Western countries are on a steady decline.

Knight Frank’s H1 2019 Real Estate Highlights echo this shift in tourist demographics. Interested investors in Siem Reap’s hotel sector are advised to examine the landscape of current tourist demographics, and their preferences, before venturing into the city’s highly competitive hospitality market.

While the competition in the hotel sector mainly serves tourists in the region, a new market is developing to serve those seeking to live in Siem Reap. The city’s record in mass residential development has been slow at best for the previous decades. It was only in the past few years that developers have taken interest in Siem Reap’s residential development potential.

シェムリアップの住宅市場はプノンペンよりはるかに密度が低いです。 別荘、ショップハウス、低層マンションが普通です。 シェムリアップの大型アパートまたはマンションは、寺院の複合体の近くの空域周辺の保護警告のために制限されています。 しかし、今年より多くの記者会見が市場に参入するにつれて、この傾向は変わり始めています。 より多くのカンボジア人が州に住み、働くようになるにつれて、シェムリアップの地元の人々は、より高い地価を最大限に活用するために、市内中心部の自宅から移転しました。この都市の郊外の園区の開発も新たなテーマです。

According to Knight Frank, Borey Tourism City, a borey developed by OCIC, is the largest existing project with more than 60 hectares of land area. The project offers single villas, twin villas, and flat houses as well as leisure facilities. OCIC seems to have struck gold as all their units were sold out in their first and second phases.

Other major projects such as Les Bijoux D’Angkor, Borey Angkor Palace, Bakong Village, Angkor Grace, and Vnom Empire are still under development in Siem Reap. Land prices in Siem Reap are driven mainly by the commercial value based on the tourist traffic in Siem Reap. Prices are also influenced by the strict enforcement of zoning restrictions in the Apsara Zone (land around the temples) which drive property development towards the outskirts of the city.

The increase in tourists and permanent residents, presents a ripe opportunity for retailers planning to enter Siem Reap. Shophouses and small scale markets continue to line Siem Reap’s main roads to complement tourism activities. But these traditional retail forms are slowly facing competition from purpose-built malls - which shows an interest in the local market for something new.

According to Knight Frank, Siem Reap currently has 22,000 sqm NLA of retail space, mainly coming from T Galleria, Angkor Duty Free, and The Heritage Walk. The completion of other projects in Siem Reap is set to increase the cumulative retail space to 70,500 sqm NLA.

Siem Reap has been known to be an international tourist destination for a long time. But data shows that Phnom Penh is starting to edge Siem Reap in terms of international tourist arrivals and we can view this as a need for diversification in the city’s offerings.

The interest to make Siem Reap more than a tourist destination is taking shape through how keen local buyers are in borey developments, and the curiosity of the local market in purpose-built retail malls. Not to mention, Siem Reap is the 2nd most populated city in Cambodia, that population is complemented by over 1 million tourists each year looking to bring something of Cambodia back with them.



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