
Phsar Kandal I地理紹介

Phsar Kandal I地理紹介
Phsar Kandal I地理紹介


家を買う$159K - $779K
レンタル$1K - $3K

Sangkat Phsar Kandal Ti Muoy is located in the northern part of the capital and mainly located along the popular riverside of Phnom Penh. It is one of 11 Sangkats that form Daun Penh.

The area around Phsar Kandal is very popular with locals, expats and regularly draws a large tourist crowd with its selection of retail shops, restaurants, cafes and the attraction of the Tonle Sap River.

As a key stretch of the core tourism hub and the riverside area, the area is constantly being populated with new attractions, hotels and apartment and business renovations as well as new developments.

It also boasts some of the most historical buildings in Phnom Penh including the Wat Analoum, Phsar Kandal and many iconic hotels & bars and apartments.

Phsar Kandal Iに近くの不動産

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