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Tips to help you improve the health of your household budget
Updated on: June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Published on: June 28, 2015, 1:50 a.m.
Realestate News
Home & Living

Tips to help you improve the health of your household budget

Wondering where to start?

Realestate.com.kh has created the following guide to creating and sticking with a monthly budget and we have even created an online Budget Planner to help you – Click Here to see it! We believe every Cambodian should be able to afford a home and this is our way of helping you to keep more money in your pocket and getting a handle on your finances so that you can make your new home a reality. Get on the Realestate.com.kh Budget Planner today. But first of all, check out: “A Very Simple Guide to Managing your Household Budget After you read that guide, read on...

Here are some tips to help your household budget become more accurate and effective:
  • Keep a record of everything and anything you spend over a 30 day period. It’s amazing to see what you actually spend your money on. This needs to be a family effort with everybody’s spending included in the household budget, HONESTLY!
  • It’s better to overestimate than underestimate your expenses whenever you make your household budget. This way you are pleasantly surprised by any miscalculations.
  • Be organised — don’t guess the figures. Rely on bills and take note of all transactions during your day. You need to know exactly how much you have, down to the last cent.
  • Regularly review your bank records alongside your estimated household budget.
  • Become a conscious spender by making a list BEFORE you do any shopping and STICK TO IT. Buy only what you need.
  • Compare prices before buying large items and never buy on impulse.
  • Live simply — the simpler you keep your spending habits, the more money you will have to pay off your mortgage, save for a new home or spend on your children. You might even be happier…
  • Once you do start saving money, make sure you make the most of it by speaking to your bank manager or financial adviser.
  • Keep your new savings in a bank account where you can’t access it from the ATM! Don’t let impulse spending spoil your new household budget.

If you follow these simple guidelines, you should have more money for that new home or rainy day.


Want to learn more about improving your household budget?  Check another useful blog post on Realestate.com.kh relevant to budgets: “A Very Simple Guide to Managing your Household BudgetOr get straight onto the Realestate.com.kh Budget Planner now!! footernews
