1 แแแแแแแแนแ แแแแผแแธแแแผ แแแแแถแแ แแแ แแ แแแแปแ แแแแแแ แแปแแแผ แแถแแขแนแแทแ แแ แ แแแถแแทแ
แแแ แแแถแแ (แแแแแแโแแถแแ)
Completion Year
+85561 777 090
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The striking three towers of glass, stone and stainless steel stand on Diamond Island boasting 39 floors each that will surely deliver an exciting concept in downtown exquisite living which includes world-class development, modern technology, rich finishes, and an urban connection that takes both city and coastal living to their ultimate expressions.
Diamond Bay Garden is defined to most of the world by the broad-stroke brilliance of its design. To live in one of its well-appointed luxurious riverfront residences, however, is to discover a wealth of more personal delights, revealed through the countless fine details designed to enhance every aspect of life on the riverfront
Enjoy the building amenities, property spaces and services of Diamond Bay Garden that will surely elevate the kind of living you truly deserve.
ยท Boutique lobby with state-of-the-art security and concierge
ยท Resort-style swimming pool and pool deck
ยท World-class, state-of-the-art fitness and yoga center
ยท Sky Garden with lush, tropical landscaping design
ยท Sky Bar with panoramic views of the city
ยท Sky Bridge that connects all three towers
ยท Kidโs Playground
ยท Two level basement parking across the complex
ยท Housekeeping services
แแแแแแแแทแแแแขแ แแแแแแแแ
แแแแ แถแ
Floor plan
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1 แแแแแแแแนแ แแแแผแแธแแแผ แแแแแถแแ แแแ แแ แแแแปแ แแแแแแ แแปแแแผ แแถแแขแนแแทแ แแ แ แแแถแแทแ
แแแแแแ แแปแแแผ แแถแแขแนแแทแ แแ แ แแแถแแทแ
Diamond Bay Garden | Studio Type SC
The striking three towers of glass, stone and stainless steel stand on Diamond Island boasting 39 floors each that will surely deliver an exciting concept in downtown exquisite living which includes world-class development, modern technology, rich finishes, and an urban connection that takes both city and coastal living to their ultimate expressions.
Diamond Bay Garden is defined to most of the world by the broad-stroke brilliance of its design. To live in one of its well-appointed luxurious riverfront residences, however, is to discover a wealth of more personal delights, revealed through the countless fine details designed to enhance every aspect of life on the riverfront
Enjoy the building amenities, property spaces and services of Diamond Bay Garden that will surely elevate the kind of living you truly deserve.
ยท Boutique lobby with state-of-the-art security and concierge
ยท Resort-style swimming pool and pool deck
ยท World-class, state-of-the-art fitness and yoga center
ยท Sky Garden with lush, tropical landscaping design
ยท Sky Bar with panoramic views of the city
ยท Sky Bridge that connects all three towers
ยท Kidโs Playground
ยท Two level basement parking across the complex
ยท Housekeeping services
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แแแแแแแแทแแแแขแ แแแแแแแแ
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Explore properties in แแแแแแ แแปแแแผ แแถแแขแนแแทแ แแ แ แแแถแแทแ
Location Overview
$121K - $841K
$625 - $3K
287 แแแแแแแพแ
4130 แแแแแแแพแ