Updated on: June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Published on: September 2, 2015, 5:35 a.m.
Century 21 Cambodia would like to invite you to join an Exciting Conference: The First Century 21 International Real Estate Conference “How to Build a Condominium in Cambodia” on 5th - 6th September 2015 which leverage knowledge and idea by H.E Dr. Sok Siphana, Mr. Kevin Goos, and Mr. Justin Landis.
This opportunity is for wealthy land owners to understand how to make millions of dollars by developing a condominium, how to build a brand with your project, and most importantly how to successfully enter the real estate development market in Cambodia. The "How to Build a Condominium in Cambodia” Conference is an opportunity is for
land owners, construction companies, and real estate professionals to understand the condominium business model from start to finish. The conference is conducted by industry leaders who share the most important details to successfully develop a condominium, so Cambodians can capture the millions of dollars that are being made in real estate development in Phnom Penh.
Why attend this training program:
The "How to Build a Condominium in Cambodia” Conference will show you how to make millions in real estate development by learning from industry leaders in Cambodia. If you interested in becoming a real estate developer or want to understand how to make money from Condos then this is the perfect opportunity for you to join and learn the full step- by-step process of “how to build a successful condominium project in Cambodia.” We offer a comprehensive financial model, partnership agreements, overview of legal aspects for construction, and a full step by step outline for new developers to directly use with their existing projects. We educate new developers about the common mistakes developers make and the do’s and don’ts for developing a condominium in Cambodia.
