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+85561 777 090
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This brand new design building has 3 available units:
-Unit with one bedroom 350USD
-Unit with one bedroom 400USD (with balcony)
-Unit with two bedrooms 450USD
The apartment is located in Wat Bo area, quiet and safe zone, security gate, also surrounded by large garden, only 3 minutes to old market and pub street.
Other facilities and utilities: bed + mattress, air conditioner, ceiling fan, washing machine, fridge, TV, dining table, modern kitchen with cabinets, couch, closetโฆ
-Electricity 0.25$/Kwh
-Water 10$/month
-Free Wifi and trash collection
ID: A-402
Any further information, please kindly contact us through:
Number: +85517 603 322WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, and Line
Mobile: +85581 603 322Smart
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/siemreaplandhouse/
E-mail: info@siemreaplandhouse.com
Website: www.siemreaplandhouse.com
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Not quite the property you were looking for?
Speak to our concierge team today and let us help you find a better fit!
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New Modern Apartment for rent available now for $350/month
This brand new design building has 3 available units:
-Unit with one bedroom 350USD
-Unit with one bedroom 400USD (with balcony)
-Unit with two bedrooms 450USD
The apartment is located in Wat Bo area, quiet and safe zone, security gate, also surrounded by large garden, only 3 minutes to old market and pub street.
Other facilities and utilities: bed + mattress, air conditioner, ceiling fan, washing machine, fridge, TV, dining table, modern kitchen with cabinets, couch, closetโฆ
-Electricity 0.25$/Kwh
-Water 10$/month
-Free Wifi and trash collection
ID: A-402
Any further information, please kindly contact us through:
Number: +85517 603 322WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, and Line
Mobile: +85581 603 322Smart
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/siemreaplandhouse/
E-mail: info@siemreaplandhouse.com
Website: www.siemreaplandhouse.com
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Location Overview
$119K - $612K
$360 - $1K
1232 แแแแแแแพแ
2706 แแแแแแแพแ