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+85561 777 090
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Vacant land in the heart of Siem Reap city for long term lease.
Best location of the business area in town. It is close to Siem Reap river and next to ABA Bank and Brown coffee also next to commercial.
Land area
35.5m width x 26.53m Length
Total size: 947sqm
Rental fee: $3000/month
Contact us via + WhatsApp & Telegram
ID: LFR-502
Google location: https://goo.gl/maps/dkz9JdA8qxz5umJy5
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แแถแแถแแแแพแ, แแแแแถแ, แแแแแถแ
Long term leases up to 10 years
Vacant land in the heart of Siem Reap city for long term lease.
Best location of the business area in town. It is close to Siem Reap river and next to ABA Bank and Brown coffee also next to commercial.
Land area
35.5m width x 26.53m Length
Total size: 947sqm
Rental fee: $3000/month
Contact us via + WhatsApp & Telegram
ID: LFR-502
Google location: https://goo.gl/maps/dkz9JdA8qxz5umJy5
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Location Overview
$119K - $608K
$320 - $1K
1232 แแแแแแแพแ
2699 แแแแแแแพแ