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+85561 777 090
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Rental price: 450$ per month (negotiate)
โข 3 bedrooms
โข 4 bathrooms
โข Kitchen
โข Living room
โข Veranda
โข Large parking space
โข A set of sofa
โข A set of dining table
โข Washing machine, fridge , TVโฆetc.
Located at Svay Dankum, Siem Reap
ID: HFR-559
Any further information, please kindly contact us through:
Number: +855 99 736 615WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, and Line
Mobile: +855 99 736 615 Cellcard/+855 96 803 47 48 Smart
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/siemreaplandhouse/
E-mail: info@siemreaplandhouse.com
Website: www.siemreaplandhouse.com
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3-bedrooms house for Rent
Rental price: 450$ per month (negotiate)
โข 3 bedrooms
โข 4 bathrooms
โข Kitchen
โข Living room
โข Veranda
โข Large parking space
โข A set of sofa
โข A set of dining table
โข Washing machine, fridge , TVโฆetc.
Located at Svay Dankum, Siem Reap
ID: HFR-559
Any further information, please kindly contact us through:
Number: +855 99 736 615WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, and Line
Mobile: +855 99 736 615 Cellcard/+855 96 803 47 48 Smart
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/siemreaplandhouse/
E-mail: info@siemreaplandhouse.com
Website: www.siemreaplandhouse.com
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Location Overview
$120K - $610K
$400 - $1K
1234 แแแแแแแพแ
2709 แแแแแแแพแ