Kep Infrastructure Boost: ADB injects 1M into Eco-Tourism, welcomed by local real estate agents
Updated on: June 7, 2022, 12:22 a.m.
Published on: November 28, 2017, 6:13 p.m.

Kep Infrastructure Boost: ADB injects 1M into Eco-Tourism, welcomed by local real estate agents

Asian Development Bank (ADB) has funded $950,000 for Environmental Infrastructure Project that will rehabilitate the area around renowned Crab Market (Phsar Kdam) in Kep province, according to Sok Sokhun, deputy general director of the Ministry of Tourism.

During the recent groundbreaking ceremony held by the Ministry, Mr. Sok said: “ADB funded the project to further attract more foreign and local tourists to the coastal destination, and would be building a tourism centre, installing a drainage system and erecting a network of public toilet facilities. The infrastructure project will be completed by August of next year.”

Kep is among Cambodia’s popular coastal tourist destinations along with Kampot and Sihanoukville and is also well-known for its eco-tourism. In September 2017, the Environment Ministry, a committee consisting of all Asean member countries, awarded Kep for the “Asean Environmentally Sustainable Cities.”

Local real estate agents welcome ADB’s infrastructural funding in Kep. Sok Ken, the founder of Kampot Property, said: “infrastructural development in Kep will further make this coastal province more attractive for local and international tourists. Meanwhile, the project will help push land price surrounding Phsar Kdam to rise in value, a good news for local landlords.”

At the same time, Mr. Mam Sereypanha, the CEO of Easy Property Investment, said: “Infrastructure development is very necessary for the new town such as Kep. ADB’s infrastructure funding in the province plays a vital role in improving the province’s development, especially tourism sector. Kep is similar to Phuket in Thailand or Bali in Indonesia because it has excellent eco-friendly environment, a popular destination for wealthy local and European tourists.”

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