hoskar night 2024
Updated on: May 17, 2024, 3:35 a.m.
Published on: May 17, 2024, 1:24 a.m.


The hospitality and real estate market in Cambodia has experienced rapid development in recent years, driven by foreign investment and urbanization, as well as the influx of many new investors. The market is still challenging and in the recovery stage, yet it is embracing global trends and expanding its offerings. In line with this, WeHub has brought back HoSKar Night to Phnom Penh, aiming to connect local industry leaders in Cambodia with international investors and experts. The goal is to create business opportunities, keep up with market updates, and discuss challenges.

Recognized as the premier networking platform in the region, HoSkar Night is tailored for professionals in the Hospitality and Real Estate sectors to connect with real estate developers, hotel owners, designers, general managers, senior industry leaders, technology specialists, culinary innovators, and forward-thinking business entrepreneurs. 

The upcoming event will be hosted on 29th May at TRIBE Phnom Penh Hotel. It will commence with a series of panel discussions, the HoSkar Talk, starting from 4:45 PM. During this session, industry experts will discuss how stakeholders navigate interests and solve conflicts faced by owners and developers during the development and operation stages. They'll share insights on the resort development process and discuss how the selection of operators and brands can add value to projects. Additionally, there will be several discussions on the Cambodian hospitality market and its future.

The HoSkar Night networking session will take place from 6 PM, where esteemed guests can make valuable connections, explore potential business partnerships, and enjoy socializing. 

Given the event's exclusive nature and limited capacity, priority access will be accorded to local developers, hotel owners, senior industry professionals, and esteemed members of the WeHub community. 

Co-hosted by Hafele Cambodia and Savills Hotels, in partnership with SALTO WECOSYSTEMS, Radisson Hotels Group and supported by Seara Sports Systems Cambodia, Archetype Reality, Cambodia Hotel Association, Architectural Engineering Consultants, Eurocham Cambodia, Confluences Trading, Cambodia Investment Reviews and PR Newswire, the HoSkar Night aspires to create an extraordinary networking experience for industry professionals in Phnom Penh.

Following HoSkar Night Phnom Penh, a series of events is set to take place across Southeast Asia including HCMC (June 2024), Manila (July 2024), Hanoi (October 2024) and Bangkok (November 2024).  

For more information about HoSkar Night in Phnom Penh and WeHub’s upcoming events, please contact Ms Thi – Thi@wehubyou.com or follow WeHub's official social media channels at: 
