
Russey Keo Location Profile

Russey Keo Location Profile
Russey Keo Location Profile


Buy$121K - $600K
Rent$500 - $3K
For Sale
For Sale310 Homes
For Rent
For Rent341 Homes

Russey Keo (also spelled Russei Keo) is a Khan in the north of Cambodia’s capital of Phnom Penh. 

In Russey Keo, some very large boreys and mixed-use developments are changing the district, which is mostly populated by lower to middle-class Cambodians. Very few western expats live in the area but more Chinese, Japanese and Korean expats are living in Russey Keo.

Russey Keo is made up of mostly local residential homes, villas and apartments but several businesses have their offices here and it is also home to large scale breweries and manufacturing plants. 

As a gateway to the north and with National Highway 5 running along the banks of the river, Russey Keo is seeing increased development and diversification of its residents and developments.

Key Information

Russey Keo is one of the Khans in Phnom Penh which tends to have a more diverse residential makeup with many pagodas, mosques and Christan churches located in the Khan.

It traditionally has been a mixed commercial, manufacturing and residential area and is less frequented by western expats and attracts very few tourists.

Camko City is an urban development zone being developed by a consortium spearheaded by South Korean World City Co., Ltd in the southwest of Russey Keo (in Sangkat Toul Sangkea 2).

It was approved as a development zone for a new satellite city in 2003 and the projected investment was valued at over USD $2 billion. The mix-use development zone includes residential and commercial areas including health facilities, sports complex, educational institutions, cultural and convention centres.

The development also improved the infrastructure in the area, including a 30M wide Angkor Blvd which includes 6 lanes and heads towards Sen Sok. The nearby roads have also been built with superior drainage to take into account localised flooding.

The Khan has fewer tower blocks and condos than other districts in Phnom Penh, such as the newly sprawling Sen Sok.  However, boreys and new developments are being built along National Road 5 and along the Tonle Sap river for some major new projects.

The land and property price ranges in Russey Keo vary, meaning there are still development opportunities. Toul Sangkae has seen a lot of new condominium and apartment complexes, while Chea Sophara road, is also a hotbed of activity and includes a number of new boreys.

Kingdom Breweries is one of the longest-running beer breweries in the Kingdom of Cambodia and is located near to the river in Russey Keo, while the Cambodia Beverage Company is also located nearby.

The Khan is benefiting from the rapid growth and development of nearby Toul Kork and Sen Sok.

Things To Do in Russey Keo

The residents in Russey Keo are mostly poor-middle class Cambodians, and along National Road 5, in particular, the main route is full of small shops selling food, drinks, clothes and other affordable goods.

There are a lot of local markets in Russey Keo, but it is home to less recognised modern shopping malls. Many stalls selling all sorts of goods from clothes, electronics, homeware, construction and more are available throughout Russey Keo. 

Due to the proximity to Sen Sok and Toul Kork, residents will head there for the ‘mall experience’ and other boutique and high-end shopping.Big Tree Community Mall is a new mall under construction in Russey Keo on National Road 5. The three-storey mall will offer boutique-style retail outlets, family-friendly green play areas, and other community gathering and event areas.

Chroy Changva is an easily identifiable bridge in Phnom Penh, and crosses over from near Russey Keo to Chroy Changva district in the north of the city and is an important gateway. In recent years the existing bridge and the surrounding areas have been upgraded and the landscaping at either side of the bridge vastly improved. A second bridge was also introduced to ease traffic congestion.

The large-scale international commercial complex project TCC Triumph Commercial Center is under construction in the Khan and the developers claim it will have 10,000 businesses when completed. The cost of the project is estimated to be $1 billion. The TCC Triumph Commercial Center will consist of shopping centres, apartments and tourism and entertainment facilities.

Camko City is one of the biggest developments in the city and is certainly a large urban landmark in Russey Keo. Not far northeast from the condominiums is the RSN Football stadium, which is home to one of the biggest football clubs in Cambodia, Phnom Penh Crown FC.

The Army Stadium (also called the Old Stadium) is also located at the southern end of Russey Keo, close to the bridge. 

CTN, the Cambodian Television Network has its main station in Russey Keo and is also popular for live TV events and hosting live sporting events such as Cambodian Bokator.

The Khan of Russey Keo is also home to a number of governmental, military and corporate offices.

Like many Asian countries, the staple food of Cambodia is rice. Daily dishes accompanying rice are salted fish, chicken, beef or pork. Some of the more well known traditional dishes include prahok and kapi which are popular bases for sauces with but have an acquired taste. Cambodian dishes commonly found on menus include Amok (a sweet coconut-based curry), Lok Lak (which includes a pepper beef and fresh vegetables) or a variety of broths and noodle dishes as well as BBQs with sweet scent meats.

Camko City features a number of franchise and dining outlets including cafes, Mikes Burgers, bakeries and grocery stores. It also caters for the local Korean and Japanese tastes with BBQs and groceries.

The area in Toul Sangkae has a vast number of cafes, bakeries and local dining options and street food available. In fact, most of the Khan is less occupied by western expats and there are many Cambodian restaurants, food stalls and affordable local fare on offer.

Russey Keo is more geared towards the local Cambodian population and there are many beer gardens, KTVs and some Cambodian clubs in the Khan. 

There are not many well-known bars or clubs known to the western expat community in Russey Keo but there are hotels along the riverside which provide live music and sunset drinks.

Phnom Penh International Airport is the biggest airport in the Kingdom in 2020, located approximately 7 kilometres west of the central city. It is easiest to reach the airport using Cambodia’s tuk tuk or the remork-moto (a carriage attached to a motorcycle) while newer smaller tuk tuks have also entered the market in recent years. These are popular and easy to find especially with a number of ride-hailing apps which are commonly used in Phnom Penh.

Some water taxis have also started operating as the city expands and it deals with a growing traffic issue.

River ferries between the banks of Phnom Penh and the peninsulas are also used and the crossings are popular with local Cambodians.

Many buses also travel along National Road 5 and traffic can build up in Russey Keo along the river in peak times.

Few western expats call Russey Keo home but it has become more popular with Chinese, Korean and Japanese expats who live and work in the north of Phnom Penh. This is more true around newer developments such as Camko City.

The district does have a number of businesses and schools and a diverse number of religious buildings, while it also borders rapidly growing developments to the south and to the west. Combined with new infrastructure projects and development and the rarity of some green space, Russey Keo could attract a more diverse group of expats in the future.

Real Estate in Russey Keo

Sangkats in Russey Keo