
1 Bath Apartment for Rent in Toul Tum Poung 1

Toul Tum Poung 1, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh
Rent per month
$400 | $1.0/m²



Property type Apartment
Property ID 227505
Listed 28/02/2023
Updated 28/02/2023

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Toul Tom Pong area

* Rental Price: $400/month
* 02 Bedrooms, 02 Bathrooms with balcony
- 2 Bedroom (AC, Bed, Wardrobe)
- 2 Bathrooms (Toilet, Sink, Hot and Cold Shower)
- 1 Living Room (Couch, Dining table and chairs, Fan, TV, Water Dispenser)
- 1 kitchen (Gas stove, refrigerator, plates, and cutleries,… )
- 1 Balcony
- Parking for bikes
LOCATION: #5, st123, Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh (Behind TTP high school)
* Fully Furnished including Free: Cable TV, WIFI, Garbage Collection, and minor fixing around the apartment


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Toul Tum Poung 1, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh
Toul Tum Poung 1, Chamkarmon, Phnom PenhToul Tum Poung 1, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh

1 Bath Apartment for Rent in Toul Tum Poung 1

Toul Tum Poung 1, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh

For rent
$400per month$1.0/m²

Apartment for rent nearby Toul Tom Pong market

Toul Tom Pong area

* Rental Price: $400/month
* 02 Bedrooms, 02 Bathrooms with balcony
- 2 Bedroom (AC, Bed, Wardrobe)
- 2 Bathrooms (Toilet, Sink, Hot and Cold Shower)
- 1 Living Room (Couch, Dining table and chairs, Fan, TV, Water Dispenser)
- 1 kitchen (Gas stove, refrigerator, plates, and cutleries,… )
- 1 Balcony
- Parking for bikes
LOCATION: #5, st123, Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh (Behind TTP high school)
* Fully Furnished including Free: Cable TV, WIFI, Garbage Collection, and minor fixing around the apartment

Property Overview