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Women taking a Lead in the Cambodia Architecture Sector
Women taking a Lead in the Cambodia Architecture Sector
June 6, 2022, 7:39 p.m.
Realestate News
As the Cambodian architecture industry becomes more competitive, a new generation of graduates are pushing their way into the industry with the help of relevant tertiary education, creativity and innovation. However, within this demographic, women are also proving to be a key human resource of the industry.Realestate.com.kh caught up with a few women currently active in the Cambodia architecture industry Ms. So Sopha, an ex-student of Royal University of Fine Arts and currently architect at the Archetype Group; Mrs. Tep Sothy, a fifth year student of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Royal University of Fine Arts; and Ms. Tri Lida, 2D architect in technical team at  Re-Edge Architecture & Design weigh in on what it’s like to work in the field.What’s your background and why did you decided to enter the architectural industry?  Sopha: When I was in school, I spent a significant amount of time finishing projects from all my classes. Sometimes even a whole night. To be an architect means to sacrifice a lot of your spare time. I didn’t  hesitate to push myself in this career though because I love being creative and innovative. Sothy: In 2012, I just got a bachelor’s degree. Most of my friends chose university subjects like accounting, finance and banking, pharmacy. I eventually decided to study architecture, a subject which everyone thought had no job market and is only for men. But it’s a job of innovation I like. So, it’s really best-suited for me.Lida: I chose this major because I like painting a picture and applying my imagination. I like working as an artistic designer doing creative work. It’s possible to say that I want my dreams to come to life. I’m fond of creating new things.    Which architect and what type of architecture do you like?Sopha: I like Zaha Hadid. She’s an international and renowned architect. She did the Galaxy Soho, Beijing (2012) and Sleuk Rith Institute, Cambodia. And if we’re talking about architectural work, I mostly like natural and green architecture because it’s eco-friendly and looks fresh.Sothy: Mr. Tadao Ando is a Japanese architect whose work is reflective of sunshine that is believed to be connected to a lovely mindset. Some of his achievements are The Church of the Light in Ibaraki and The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts. Moreover, there are other architectural works in Cambodia such as the Ta Prohm temple, some French colonial construction, National Olympic Stadium, and some bamboo houses in Takhmao which was built in 2015.Lida: The architect I like are Vann Molyvann — the father of Cambodian architecture and the founder of the New Khmer Architecture — and Jean Nouvel, a French architect. I like the Olympic Stadium. And every achievement of Molyvann that’s well-designed and good-looking. He incorporates the Khmer style by converting nature into sustainable buildings where the air and sunshine go from the inside out. We feel better and comfortable about this.What are the challenges and benefits of working in the Cambodia Architecture Sector? Sopha: This kind of work is really hard and requires a lot of time to complete. But I’m excited when I’m able to innovate, especially when customers are satisfied with my work. This is proof that I was able to present a high standard of living context.Being an architect is mostly considered to be a man’s job and very few women in the past have worked in the sector. But today, it’s common for women to step into an architectural career. For instance, I am working as an architect and I experience no occupational discrimination. Sothy: When I was still on my first year, I thought this major was related to everyday living. But this major requires long years of keeping busy with school projects and coming up with new creative ideas. We also need to spend a lot of time in construction sites. So, this is why people say architecture is a man’s job. I’m happy with my class and with my works as an architect. It really provided me more creative ideas. On the other hand, this kind of job is a collective of art design, taste of life, modern techniques, and especially the combination of mixed-culture. I’m now at my fifth year. I have studied a lot about urban planning, and I think I understood more about it. Lida: When we say “architecture industry”, the initial thought for me is it’s really difficult. But on behalf of women studying in the sector, I can say both challenge and pleasure work together. Time is valuable for this job. I don’t have enough time with my family and even to sleep. A professional and skillful architect needs to be highly responsible and committed, as well as self confident on what they are doing. Actually, if we have no love and commitment with the job, I believe that we can’t do it well. In terms of what makes me happy, I get the chance to express my ideas as to what kind of buildings I like to design. And those may also become my achievements, especially if my clients are happy. This job makes me smile, whenever I look back and recall memories. I also learned to value friendship and communication with many different people in society. Have you ever experienced employment discrimination in the Cambodia Architecture Sector? If that happens, what is the solution? Sopha: I’ve never had experience with employment discrimination as an architect, even in the workplace.Sothy: While there is gender discrimination in this industry, most of them are on the outside. They’re not in the aspect of this job environment. There’s still a notion that this is still a man’s job. But inside the job environment, there are very few people who think that it’s impossible for women to do this work even if they are required to work on site day and night. However, this job requires using the heart. You have to be thoughtful and creative. So, there’s no reason to think that it’s impossible for a woman to do it. Lida: For instance, nowadays, I work in Re-Edge Architecture & Design. There are both men and women working there. They don’t discriminate. We, as women, are not  discriminated against by men. Instead, we have even been offered more opportunities to express ideas to make the design better. And we are free to share good experiences with each other. I like it. However, in case of discrimination from a coworker at the workplace, it seems to me that the best solution is to first show our abilities. Let them see that what a man can do, a woman can do better.  If you were married and you’re an architect, what are the challenges as a couple? What are the suitable solutions? Sopha: I already know this job demands a lot of time. So, you get to spend less time with the family. I just need to lead a happy life and find a good time to spend with my family. I can’t deny that this is really hard to manage.Sothy: Although I have yet to marry, as far as I’m concerned, it would be trying to understand each other. It needs time and preparation between your job and the family. We need to spend time for family and ourselves as well.Lida: For now, I am single. But I believe problems will happen. The most important thing is time and preparation.Find the best real estate news on Realestate.com.kh
June 7, 2022, 5:39 a.m.
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近年来,柬埔寨经济高速发展,有越来越多的中国人开始嗅到柬埔寨的投资潜力,纷纷涌入柬埔寨进行房地产等方面的投资。作为一名与钱打交道的投资客,拥有当地的银行账户,选择合适的银行进行资金流转是必不可少的。 据柬埔寨国家银行的年度报告显示,截至2018年年底,全国商业银行增至43家、专业银行14家,这么多银行怎么选择呢?今天房小地就为大家盘点一下各大柬埔寨银行,供大家参考。 加华银行(Canadia) 加华银行是柬埔寨最大的本地银行之一,成立于1991年。董事长方侨生是柬埔寨十大首富之一。在全国有57家分行提供服务,在2017年3月1日起推行人民币存贷款业务。必须要办商务签证才能在加华银行开户,存取10美金以上即可。当场就可以拿到存折,银行卡需十天以上。  爱喜利达银行(ACLEDA) 爱喜利达银行于2003年成立,是柬埔寨规模最大的本地商业银行。目前在柬埔寨有312个网点;总资产50.78亿美元,资产规模占柬埔寨全国的19.3%。办理该银行账户必须要有商务签证以及当地工作证明。 柬埔寨大众银行(Cambodian Public) 柬埔寨大众银行成立于1992年,在柬境内拥有30家分行。根据报告显示,它是柬埔寨最高的资本商业银行之一。办理该银行账户必须要有商务签证以及当地工作证明,存入50美金即可,存折和卡都可当日拿到。  亚洲先进银行(ABA) 亚洲先进银行于1996年成立,运营50家分行,100个自助银行服务亭,以及遍布柬埔寨的210台自动柜员机。中国人在ABA银行开通账户比较便捷,持旅游签证、护照及存入10美金即可,当场可拿到存折。  柬埔寨亚洲银行(CAB) 柬埔寨亚洲银行,在1992年创立,1993年投入服务,拥有十多个分行。它提供贷款,储蓄账户,汇款外资和其他金融服务。办理账户必须要有商务签证和工作证明,存入20美金即可,当场可拿到存折,银行卡需七天以上。  中国银行/中国工商银行(ICBC) 这两大行是中国银行和工商银行的金边分行,也是中国人最熟悉的银行。在此开户需要商务签证和护照,存入10美金在开户现场就可以办出存折和卡。需要注意中国银行需要提交当地电话号码。 柬埔寨联合商业银行(UCB) 柬埔寨联合商业银行又名玉山银行,总部位于金边,拥有13家分行。开户只需护照、旅游签证和存取100美金即可户。开户现场可以拿到存折和卡,但是不可以跨行取款。  Chip Mong银行 Chip Mong银行与2019年1月正式开业,隶属于柬埔寨集茂集团。集茂集团为柬埔寨业务多元化的大集团之一,涉及建材生产、房地产开发、进出口贸易等多个行业,集茂银行是集茂集团旗下的第12家公司。集茂银行的经营策略是主攻数码金融科技服务,以配合柬埔寨政府推动数码科技领域发展政策。集茂银行总部位于毛泽东大道,在金边市区内有5个分行,开户门槛低,没有最低存款额限制。  J-TRUST皇家银行(J-TRUST ROYAL BANK) J-TRUST皇家银行原名为ANZ Royal银行(澳盛皇家银行),于2005年成立,为柬埔寨十大富豪之一陈丰明勋爵所有,2018年被日本最大的银行之一 J Trust银行宣布收购55%股权,后改名为J-TRUST皇家银行。该银行在柬埔寨有40多个分行,致力为柬埔寨本地公司提供贷款服务,多次获得行业大奖。开户最低存款为500美元,活期留存金额为100美元。  BRED银行 BRED Bank(柬埔寨)银行是法国BRED大众银行(隶属BPCE集团)的子公司。BPCE集团是法国第二大银行集团,为3120万名客户提供服务,全球雇员超过10万人,及拥有900万合作股东,信用评级为A/A+。BRED银行在金边、暹粒和马德望均有分行,白银账户最低存款额为100美元,每月手续费为1美元。  Maybank马来亚银行 马来亚银行有限公司总部位于马来西亚吉隆坡,属于马来西亚最大的商业银行,于1993年进入柬埔寨,目前在金边有20多个分行,提供给企业和个人贷款类型丰富。开户最低存款额为100美元,活期留存金额为10美元。 地产投资 作为购房者,基本所有开发商都与银行有合作,银行会派工作人员到售楼处为你开户,基本仅需要护照和旅游签证,存50到100美金进去就可以开户了,方便客户回国后转美金到柬埔寨的账户。 另外,中国人在柬埔寨买房是可以向银行申请贷款的,但是步骤复杂。楼盘开发商针对购房者推出了许多分期付款的方案,可以选择贷款购房以租养贷。了解更多信息欢迎关注微信公众号:柬埔寨房地产网,或添加房小地微信:REAKH2016 柬埔寨房产信息咨询请添加↓↓↓查看柬埔寨更地理简介及新闻,跟随柬埔寨房地产网Realestate.com.kh
June 6, 2022, 9:00 p.m.
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Realestate.com.kh(柬埔寨房地产网)为柬埔寨注册房地产门户,注册公司名为Online Real Estate Co., Ltd (柬语书写:អនឡាញ​ រៀល អ៊ីស្ទេត)柬埔寨房地产网是柬埔寨第一也是唯一的房地产门户网站和营销渠道,与全柬各大房产开发商,中介,和贷款机构均有深度合作,是了解柬埔寨房地产的第一站。该门户网站同时支持柬,英,中三种语言,拥有约5万个可供租售的房源,网站本身及旗下APP每月有数万计人次访问量。同时Realestate.com.kh出版中英两版热门季刊房地产杂志《柬埔寨房地产网杂志》,针对中文市场营运的微信公众号:柬埔寨房地产网(jpzfdcw)等。配有中英柬三种语言  【关于网站】1.网站汇集柬埔寨5万房源列表,覆盖公寓、别墅、排屋、办公空间、家庭商店、零售店、工厂、仓库、土地等全种类房产类型,其中海外买家凭护照可购买项目超过100个2.用户注册/登陆网站:没有门槛3.用户可以第一间获得柬埔寨新楼盘信息,柬埔寨投资指南,柬埔寨地产法律,房地产利弊分析...等。https://www.realestate.com.kh/zh-cn/news/4.该网站约有5万柬埔寨房地产名列。同时,网站还对海外买家列出100多个全新地产项目。 【其他平台】 1.柬埔寨房地产网(jpzfdcw)微信号:为华人提供直接询盘柬埔寨房地产的平台 2.柬埔寨唯一最优质房产杂志《柬埔寨房地产网杂志》 3.柬埔寨最优质房地产展会  咨询详情: 孙清芮女士电话:+855 10 897 886邮箱:carrie.sun@realestate.com.kh柬埔寨地址:柬埔寨金边市BKK1区,57街与294街交汇中国地址:上海市嘉定区秋竹路801弄18号   在柬埔寨选购好房,请关注柬埔寨房地网Realestate.com.kh
June 7, 2022, 4:51 a.m.
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广受各界瞩目的金边2017年开发项目PICASSO City Garden(毕卡索城市花园),于8月21日举办动土仪式,柬埔寨房地产网Realestate.com.kh有幸作为媒体伙伴为大家带来最新报道。  庆典现场嘉宾云集,开发商“巨石地产开发”也特别邀请到金边市副市长Lim Leng先生;中小企业联合会(FASMEC)的国际关系副董Heng Vuthy勋爵;国泰世华总经理陈伟智先生;BKK1警察局局长Kul Sophat先生等多位大咖莅临现场观礼。 当初考察过好几个潜力的市场,最落脚在柬埔寨金边的——台湾巨石资本控股公司 董事长叶为国受访时表示:“伴随着一带一路建设的步伐,我们非常看好沿线相关国家的发展潜力,尤是美元计价政治稳定,GDP强劲增长的柬埔寨金边,可谓具备了所有积极要素。因此金边市无疑是Picasso City Garden项目绝佳的选择。“ 叶董继续道:“巨石资本为了打造这个史无前例的艺术地产,特别整合筹组了阵容强大的开发和销售团队,除了[毕卡索集团]加入设计团队,更有中国国务授权的央企[中核建筑]担纲,另外更邀请到大陆地商界的巨擎[万通集团]作为全球销售总代理,全力将这个融合国际艺术大师精髓的项目,打造成为让金边与国际接轨的一个前瞻性的建筑典范。” Heng Vuthy勋爵在致词中提到:”非常欢迎来自台湾的优质开发商巨石地产开发,把一个如此特别又高规格的项目带进金边,有些生意上的朋友常常向我表示,金边虽然不少大楼,但是品质常不是很好之外,具有特色和国际化的就更少了。看了这个项目我的印象非常深刻,尤其是融合了艺术元素这个部分,别出一新,相信在金边从商的高阶外派主管,和当地非常多从国外留学回来的企业家,会很欢迎这样有品味的项目。除了预祝PICASSO City Garden顺利完工,也期待藉由这个项目让金边的市容更美丽,更具“ 国际视野 ”。据了解,Picasso City Garden是金边第一个采用地下连继壁工法的住宅建案,我们也特别访问到中核建筑总经理郭东升,他表示”金边是个地震台风的安全区,但并不代表我们的高端客户不会重视家的安全。承包这个项目,我们花了很多心思在给客户一个安全的居住环境,因此我们地下开挖4层,配合连续壁工法,基桩深入岩盘5~10米,让们的地基非常稳固,这样的安全规格在金边绝对以说是豪宅中的豪宅。负责工程的伙伴也同时是著名的台北101的施工团队,品质和经验都在业界处领先。另外我们在整栋大楼的配筋量和水泥磅数,采用的是美国和日本的建筑标准,在当地都是最高的规格。 建筑品质往往体现在'看不到'的细节,我们可以很自豪的说,Picasso City Garden会是整个金边最值得客户信赖的高安全项目。” 负责本目执行的巨石资本控股公司总经理 邓镇岳耐心的向柬埔寨房地产网介绍:“PICASSO City Garden项目位于柬埔寨首都金边最优越的地段BKKI,被当地人称为使馆特区的BKK1不仅是金边地价最高的路段,周围17个国家大使馆林立也让此区的治安良好,许多高官权贵,政商名流都选择居在此,均户素质是金边最高。藉由毕卡索艺术品牌的加持及巨石地产开发团队的精心规划。本项目除了具有金边最高规格的建筑品质和安全性,更特别的是从外观到内装都散发着浓厚的艺术气息;挑高8.8米的大厅,无边际泳池、商务中心、健身餐厅、咖啡厅、宴会厅等完整公共设施,让我们的住户比住在饭店还舒适。另外本着毕卡索国际物业管理的优良传统,除了必备的基本服务之外,更有针对外派高阶主管需求而规划的多值服务,例如机场接送、即时医疗安排、多语秘书行动办公室、资产管理、法律顾问、税务规划、毕卡索艺文活动、艺术拍卖会等,这些高规格的物管服务,会是其他项目和我们之间最大的差距。 在贫富差距甚大的柬埔寨金边,缺少的正是像Picasso City Garden这样高规格的项目,据柬埔寨房地产网了解,该项目会在年底开盘,预计6个内就会达百分之百完销的目标,相信在2020初落成后,会为当地高端客户提供一个很好的选择,成为金边地产投资的新宠儿。    咨询项目请联系:023 920 888 023 930 888  查看柬埔寨更多热门楼盘跟随realestate.com.kh
柬埔寨房地产网新闻早知道:12月12日,Gold Zone Media金空间传媒公司成功举办《2018年商务政策发布会暨客户答谢会》
柬埔寨房地产网新闻早知道:12月12日,Gold Zone Media金空间传媒公司成功举办《2018年商务政策发布会暨客户答谢会》
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
​昨(12)日晚上,Gold Zone Media金空间传媒公司《2018年商务政策发布会暨客户答谢会》在索菲特酒店成功举办!当晚,逾100家企业的总裁及主要投资人悉数出席。柬埔寨房地产网Realestate.com.kh作为媒体代表及战略合作伙伴也出席了此活动,并与金空间传媒签约,达成6个月的战略性合作。 金空间传媒CEO沈健与柬埔寨房地产网CEO汤姆活动开始,每位嘉宾陆续签到和拍照留念、主办方为嘉宾准备了鸡尾酒接待、西式乐队乐器演奏,从一入场气氛就热闹起来。活动正式开始后,金空间传媒公司合伙人兼营销总监王晶先生上台致答谢辞,并分享了柬埔寨传媒市场发展情况及其一年多以来公司取得的成绩。 随后,公司CEO沈健上台作了《创新·价值·分享》专题报告,向与会嘉宾详细介绍了楼宇电梯媒体的发展历史、平台价值、公司资源及未来发展规划,让与会者对金空间传媒及其从事的主营业务有更深入的了解。精彩的报告过后,主办方营销经理Horm Hav(范双好)先生,用流利的中、英、柬三种语言,为现场来宾解读了金空间传媒2018年商务政策及战略合作伙伴合作方案。活动进行到最激动人心的阶段,莫过金空间传媒与柬埔寨5家伙伴及客户代表进行的签约仪式。其中,柬埔寨房地产网Realestate.com.kh,中国免税品集团(柬埔寨)金边免税店,JC航空,泰荣西港城,中通快递等代表陆续在各位来宾的见证下签约成功。*签约仪式作为现场唯一演说嘉宾,柬埔寨房地产网Realestate.com.kh的CEO汤姆先生介绍道,“柬埔寨房地产网Realestate.com.kh是柬埔寨领先的房地产门户网站,成立于2009年。我们的公司就像是新加披的 PropertyGuru和中国的居外网,柬埔寨人常说我们是房地产的谷歌。没错,这两家公司也是我们的合作伙伴!” *金空间的电梯海报和LCD广告 他还继续提到:“柬埔寨房地产网与柬埔寨全国大部分房地产开发商合作,同时还有90%的房地产中介公司的加入。每个月,我们吸引了几十万人浏览我们的网站,APP,杂志和参加我们房地产展会。”  “我们认为户内场景化媒体很重要。因此,我们非常高兴能与金空间传媒合作。电梯LCD和电梯海报被放置在高端的楼宇如加华大厦等,那里出现的公司白领、金领阶层正是我们的目标群体。” *金空间总部办公室 值得一提的是,金空间传媒是一家实力雄厚,团队专业的综合性传媒公司,公司秉承“助力客户成功、专注品牌推广”的经营理念,主营业务为楼宇视频及电梯框架传媒,并为大型商超、酒店、学校等场所提供传媒互动整体解决方案。 资料显示,金空间传媒其电梯媒体资源已经覆盖了柬埔寨金边,暹粒,西港3大主要城市,拥有1580块电梯海报,500多台电梯LCD,全国中高端楼宇合作率达90%,日均触达人次高达50万,是线下流量的核心入口。 金空间传媒表示,未来的发展任务是继续增加电梯海报和电梯LCD的投放点位,与行业内优秀的企业保持交流并建立合作机制,如 柬埔寨房地产网Realestate.com.kh,MSA,MoonMedia。同时公司将运用互联网发展思维,建立广告投放大数据库,并与KANTAR等知名市场调研和广告投放监测机构合作,提升客户广告投放效果。 活动在一片温馨热闹的氛围下圆满结束。本次活动的成功举办,也预示着金空间传媒在CEO沈健的带领下,在不断创新发展的道路上,将会踏上一个崭新的台阶!   柬埔寨房地产网联系人1:房小地中文电话:+855 18 616 8888微信号:REAKH2009柬埔寨房地产网联系人2:Carrie同学中文电话:+855 10 897 886邮箱:carrie.sun@realestate.com.kh 地址:金边市BKK1区,57街与294街交汇    查看柬埔寨更多投资指南及新闻,跟随realestate.com.kh
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The Peak::豪利世桥集团再创金边地标建筑!
The Peak::豪利世桥集团再创金边地标建筑!
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
继The Bridge项目之后,豪利世桥集团再开发The Peak商住综合项目,并网罗多家知名国际连锁品牌入驻,包括香格里拉大酒店。  The Peak 公寓 项目高55层,包括两座住宅大楼和一座商业摩天大楼。该项目将成为金边同领域里的最高建筑,为住户提供海滨和城市天际线的壮丽全景。畅游在55层的无边际游泳池中,您可以欣赏到海滨天际线的美景。这可媲美在新加坡金沙天空花园57层所拥有的世界顶级感觉,唯一的区别是,您可以在属于自己的私人住所中享有舒适和自由。  项目详情 项目位置:金边市桑园区百色河分区项目规模:55层,2座住宅楼+1座商业大楼产权时限:永久产权交房时间:2020年 开发商:★★★★☆豪利世桥集团(Oxley Worldbridge)由新加坡上市公司豪利控股(Oxley Holdings)与本地世桥置地(Worldbridge Land)联合成立。在The Bridge项目取得巨大成功后,豪利世桥集团又推出the peak项目。 项目位置:★★★★☆The Peak 公寓,傲据首都金边湄公河河畔的优越地段,毗邻澳洲大使馆、柬埔寨国民议会等核心基建,地理位置十分优越,极具投资价值。  内部配套:★★★★☆项目每个单位皆备有法国DE DIETRICH厨房设备,以高规格厨具为住客带来生活便利。单位的浴室则配有著名的高仪浴室设备。 设有豪华住客会所设施,为住客提供全新奢华体验。双子式大楼13A层为观景台,精心设计的园林境及绿化环境供住休歇,并设有集休闲,观景,运动于一身的空中泳池,为住客带来顶级的休闲娱乐享受;同层设有健身室,蒸气房,烧烤亭及酒廊,方便住客招待亲友到访住宅大楼55层更设有无边泳池,观景健身房及观景酒廊,将金边城,湄公河壮丽景色尽收眼底。 周边设施:★★★★☆项目与国际豪华五星级酒店香格里拉合作,为当地引进顶级的酒店服务。The Peak与香格里拉酒店毗邻。酒店配备舞厅,中西餐厅,天台酒吧,以及Horizon Club酒廊等设施,为入住的访客营造顶尖享受。酒店为该区备有全新豪华宴会及会议场地,为来自各地的访客及商务提供优质会议空间。另外,The Peak将会为区内带来全新旗舰购物商场,引进不同的顶尖品牌;而且与金边着名景点及繁华夜市Preah Sisowath Quay仅距一街,将成为有名的旅游区,吸引来自各地的访客。【户型展示】工作室公寓  62平方米  一居室公寓  84平方米  二居室公寓  126平方米 三居室公寓  138平方米 今天就扒到这里,如果您动心了,请联系中文客服 查看柬埔寨更多购房指南及新闻,跟随柬埔寨房地产网Realestate.com.kh
The ULTIMATE Expat Guide to Phnom Penh
The ULTIMATE Expat Guide to Phnom Penh
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Want to start living in Phnom Penh? You should. Over 80,000 expats have already moved to the Kingdom and life is good! The ULTIMATE Expat Guide to Phnom Penh covers all things you need to know before moving to the kingdom of wonder, thanks to Realestate.com.kh, Cambodia's home of real estate. Real Expat Reviews:Firstly, let’s see what some expats currently living here in Phnom Penh have to say:Daniel Santantoniou, an Insurance Broker originally from Geneva, Switzerland, who has lived in Cambodia for 20 months, says that “the best thing about living in Cambodia is the cost of living, business opportunities, overall growth in all sectors, proximity to the beach and the influence of Buddhist culture.” Daniel lives in a one bedroom apartment, local Khmer style, with a view of Royal Palace and the National Museum. This costs just 430$/month, including water and cleaning once a week, which Daniel says is “good value for money given the location and view. However, we found serviced apartments way overpriced in Phnom Penh compared to Bangkok.”Alexander Evengroen, a Netherland’s native and a business developer, real estate professional and motivational speaker by trade, has lived and worked all over the world, including China, Singapore, Thailand, Ghana, Malawi, and now Cambodia... “I have stayed in beautiful Cambodia for around 5 years. The best thing about living here is my beautiful Cambodian wife,” says Alex. In terms of advice for new expat residences, Alex says that, “someone moving to Phnom Penh soon needs to be open-minded and go further than the tourist attractions. Dare to explore more provinces and meet the fantastic people of Cambodia. The amazing food, the culture and so much more. Meet other expats to share experiences and join events to learn from each other - but don’t only hang around them! See and feel the beauty of this great country.” Alex lives in a beautiful spacious 5 bedroom, 5 bathroom villa home with “all the needs and facilities you can dream of - Seldom do we get power cuts, and fully air-conditioned - in the Attwood area of Phnom Penh.”Filipino native Carmela Torres, a real estate marketer by day, band vocalist by night, has resided in Phnom Penh for 1 year and 3 months. She says, “The best thing about living in Cambodia is the affordable yet high quality of life (cheap cost of living). Also, the unique freedom to start a business and not get killed with taxes.” “My advice for an expat moving here,” says Carmela, “would be shop around to find the best deals on property and to always try to barter the price. Do not be overly anxious about safety and security when moving in Phnom Penh, and when it comes to healthcare I think the medical care facilities here have greatly improved, and many ailments can now be treated in Phnom Penh by foreign doctors and foreign-trained Cambodian doctors. Dental care is also professional and affordable. But have medical insurance in your home country in case of the worst! Finally, beware the heat!” Carmela lives in a stand alone apartment in the BKK1 area, which she says is “definitely good value for money: Centrally located, easy access and very close to everything.”Hayley Flack, a student instructor from London, has lived in Cambodia almost fourteen years. Hayley comments that, “I enjoy my job and the easy going lifestyle of Phnom Penh. On weekends, the hardest thing is deciding where to eat - as there are so many great restaurants, and which gigs to go to. We are generally spoilt for choice. A piece of advice I would give is to stay calm and do not lose your temper. A smile will go a long way even when you get frustrated, which will happen.” In regards to where you should live, Hayley explains that, “I have lived in the same apartment for nearly ten years. The rent is very good and the landlord is very hands off, apart from when we need help. We live behind the University of Fine Arts. It is very good value for money. However, one thing I will say is the apartment next door and many others in our area lie empty. Why? Because the rent is more than double than ours. I don't understand why the landlords keep the rent high and therefore the apartments empty. I have had friends look at them and try to haggle the price, but they won't budge.”Adolfo Perez-Gascon, a Spaniard who has lived in Cambodia for 2 years already working as a journalist, thinks that, “the best thing about living in Phnom Penh is the fact that you have access to a big and vibrant community of expats, while also having the opportunity to interact with a very friendly and open local population. Living in Phnom Penh, you'll find that you have access to almost all western commodities and activities that you enjoy back home, but you are still in a foreign and exciting country; a country that you'll feel compel to explore and learn more about.In this regard, Phnom Penh strikes an almost perfect balance.” Adolfo notes that, “a lot of people move to Phnom Penh without a plan; they don't really know what they want to do here, and, of course, do not have a job waiting for them. They are lured to the country by lax visa requirements and the prospects of an easy life. My advice to any person planning the move to Cambodia is to come here with a job.Do your research, find an employer that you'll like to work for, and don't board that plane until you are sure of what you are going to be doing. Having a concrete plan of action will help you enjoy your experience in the Kingdom a lot more. Starting work right away will help you integrate into the community. I shared an apartment (with 2 other people) on the second floor of a traditional Khmer building located in the vicinity of the Genocide Museum. Rent is extremely cheap (we pay 400$/month for the whole apartment). Compared to my home country, this is an amazing deal. Put bluntly, you'll never find such cheap accommodation in Spain. The apartment is nice, spacious and comfortable. We have all the amenities that you'd expect of a modern house, including wifi and aircon.”A Little History That Ex-Pats Should Know:Cambodia has a rich history going back at least five thousand years. However, it was an experiencing a Dark Age from the 1400s until 1863. This Dark Age ended when the French came in and established a protectorate. Over time, this situation changed and Cambodia became a French colony. In the early 1940s, events that occurred during World War II weakened the French Colonial Empire. In 1953, Cambodia established itself again as an independent kingdom. Thus, from the 1940s through the 1960s, development in Cambodia was comparable to what was occurring in Vietnam and Thailand at the time. Unfortunately, the war in neighboring Vietnam negatively impacted Cambodia, resulting in sections of Cambodia being bombed by various parties, including the USA. This helped bring a group to power known as the Khmer Rouge. Most likely, you have heard the term "Khmer Rouge" and are aware that it has negative associations. They came to power in Cambodia in the 1970s, and, during their relatively short reign of terror, killed approximately a third of the country's population. These events affected everyone in the nation and still do. But this era was particularly hard on educated professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers. They were targeted first. Although these events are history, they are not yet resolved. The country is still struggling to heal its wounds from these events. The trials of the Khmer Rouge leaders for their atrocities started relatively recently and are still ongoing in The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) located outside Phnom Penh. Additionally, the country developed the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and Choeung Ek Killing Fields in Phnom Penh. These are tourist sites aimed at educating the world, as well as a form of national therapy, helping the country to come to terms with these recent events.History and The Ex-Pat Community:Modern Cambodia was established in 1993. Thus, it is a relatively young nation, yet it has a long and rich history. The recent events detailed above have some of the following impacts on the ex-pat community today: 1) The tremendous recent loss of so many educated people is the primary reason that Cambodia has such a thriving ex-pat community. The country needs far more educated, skilled professionals to fill vital roles than it can supply internally. So, if you are an ex-pat living in Cambodia, you have been welcomed here to help with the recovery process that the country is still undergoing. 2) If you want to fit in and be comfortable in your interactions, it helps to understand the culture a bit. One of the take-aways from this short history lesson is that there is a significant French influence in Cambodia due to the years that it was a French colony. Another is that Cambodia is right now undergoing a process not unlike The Nuremburg Trials from some years ago, when European leaders were similarly tried for war crimes from World War II. 3) The country still has a lot of landmines and other visible scars from being embroiled in conflict for decades. It is wise to be mindful of potential danger in some parts of the country when you travel.Phnom Penh for Expats:As the capital and the largest city in the nation, Phnom Penh is a locus of the ex-pat community. Not only are there a lot of jobs here that are well-suited to attracting ex-pats, it has development more comparable to that of many western nations. This gives ex-pats the chance to find their comfort zone, anywhere from largely recreating a life similar to what they had in their country of origin to living much like a local for an especially broadening personal experience. The ongoing influx of foreign investment and foreign workers living here has brought with it western style businesses and amenities, plus international school amenities geared to the needs of ex-pat families. As with any big city, more development tends to lead to higher prices. However, going local can give you an exotic experience on the cheap, if you so desire it. Western style luxury apartments with all the amenities, and also serviced apartments -- such as a pool, gym and security -- can be had for $500-$3000 per month. Check out properties available NOW! Alternately, more authentically Cambodian digs can be rented for less than $300 per month.If your comfort zone involves organic, upscale food stores, you can find that for prices comparable to what you would pay at home. Or you can shop the local outdoor vendors (similar to western Farmer's Markets) for substantially less, often about half price. A western style coffee from a foreign chain can be had for around $3, while a cup of coffee from a local stall is typically well under $1. In fact, the first Cambodian Starbuck's recently opened in the Phnom Penh International Airport. If you just must have a taste of home, it can be found there at typical Starbuck's prices. There is plenty to do and see within the capital, including fine dining, live music, movies and other entertainment venues. But, living in Phnom Penh also gives you easy access to the recently expanded international airport and bus services, making regional travel very do-able for the more adventure-minded types. All of this means that an ex-pat living in Phnom Penh can live what would be a very upper class lifestyle in most large western cities, but on a relatively modest income. A housekeeper can be hired for about $5 per visit, making it affordable to have one come once or twice per week. A mid-price restaurant meal for two is approximately $15-20, about the same as or not much more than you would pay for fast food in many western cities. Plus, simply being here means that when you take a day trip or a weekend jaunt, it is invariably to see things that many westerners would only dream of visiting if they were incredibly rich.The Ex-Pat Work Scene:Most ex-pats in Phnom Penh live on anywhere from $12,000 to $60,000 per year. They are employed in NGOs, the hospitality and tourism sector, education, tech and business. Some are hired to come here. Others choose to simply show up and look for work. Simply showing up is not as crazy as it might sound. Cambodian visas have some of the most lax rules in the entire world, and being here allows one to find jobs via word of mouth that won't ever be advertised online. You can also check newspaper listings if you are here. Some people start by looking at online job listings. The two most popular Cambodian job sites are Bong Thom Dot Com and HRinc.How to Get a Visa:There is a low bar to entry here. Many people get a standard E-class visa by simply showing up. Airports and border check points both allow you to get one by filling out very nominal paperwork and paying a few extra dollars above what a tourist visa costs. For about $300, you can extend it to a year. However, in 2014, Cambodia passed a new law that requires foreign workers to have a government issued work book. This is really a responsibility of the employer, not the employee, and, so far, enforcement has not been stringent.Currency:It may surprise you to learn that US Dollars and Cambodian Riel are the predominant currencies here. In fact, most ATMs dispense US Dollars only (unless otherwise noted). With the exchange rate in the neighborhood of 4000 Riel to $1, it is typical for transactions to be made primarily in dollars, with "change" given in the form of Riel instead of US coins.Popular Ex-Pat Neighborhoods:A popular area for ex-pats is Boeung Keng Kang 1, 2 or 3. Don't worry! Everyone just abbreviates this as BKK 1, 2 or 3. The Russian Market and the Riverside area also have many ex-pats. BKK 1 and 2 are more upscale, with more amenities geared specifically towards foreigners. BKK 3 and the Russian Market both offer an attractive mix of western and local shops. The Riverside area is popular with tourists and has a number of bars and nightclubs. It is, perhaps, less family friendly than the other neighborhoods, but a good place to go if you love the nightlife. More recently, Tuol Kork is a neighborhood about 30 minutes out that is increasingly attracting ex-pats. As with other large cities, commuting to a suburb outside the densely developed downtown area is a good way to find places renting for much less money. Housing:In addition to the aforementioned luxury apartments and local style rentals, Phnom Penh also has French colonial architecture and western style homes tucked away on tree-lined streets. Single ex-pats who choose to share an apartment can find accommodations for as little as $150 per month. Those who choose to live on their own may pay up to $500 for an apartment, depending upon its size, location and amenities. Couples or families are typically looking at costs between $250 and $1000.Should I opt for a long or short term lease in Cambodia? Here are some pros and cons. If you go through a real estate agency to help you find a place, it shouldn't cost you anything as they are typically getting paid by the landlords. They can help you understand what is available and what is in the lease. Just like you would in other countries, it is not uncommon to sign a lease for a set period of time, pay a security deposit and your first month's rent prior to moving in.Here’s how to choose the right Cambodian real estate agent for you!Utilities:Although some landlords cover utilities for you, such as cable, water and trash, they typically charge you for electricity. The typical rate is around $0.25 USD/kilowatt. Read your contract before you sign. Some landlords may try to pad that. Make sure you understand your contract before you sign!English is Common:As with many countries, a lot of the locals speak English. This makes it easier to shop, dine and make friends than you might expect. Many shops and restaurants can assist you in English, even with local goods.Petty Crime:If you look like a well-heeled foreigner, you may find yourself the target of petty crime. This is pretty normal in less developed countries, but Phnom Penh is actually safer than Vietnam and Bangkok. Crime levels have gone up recently, but if you take reasonable precautions, this shouldn't be particularly more concerning than in any big city. Bag snatching is a minor issue in downtown areas at night, especially for western women. This also occurs from the side of Tuk Tuks at night, perpetrated by thieves on motorbikes. To be sure, make sure you keep your bag on the inside of you at all times.Learn more about home and personal security in Cambodia.The State of Medicine in Cambodia:Perhaps you have heard that you should "Go to Thailand" if you need medical care while in Cambodia.It was not that long ago that this was the standard wisdom in the ex-pat community, but medical care has come a long way in recent years. Increasingly, Phnom Penh has first rate doctors available, whether foreign doctors who came here to practice or Cambodian doctors who were trained abroad. Dental care is also comparable to that in more developed nations, while costing far less.None the less, some kinds of procedures may not be available locally. Thus, it is not uncommon for people to go elsewhere if they require certain things. Thailand is still popular, followed by Singapore and Malaysia. Bangkok is particularly popular for OB care. However, even after you factor in travel expenses, you will find that medical care in this region will generally be less expensive than what you would pay in the USA. To give you a general idea of the price range: Visiting a local emergency clinic for stitches, plus two follow-up appointments, can cost less than $300.Getting Groceries:Ex-pats can shop at modern grocery stores for many of the same amenities they would find in a western country, often at prices that are not substantially different, though there are certainly some notable exceptions. For example, apples and are not native fruits here. Since they are imported, they may be surprisingly expensive compared to the prices in your country of origin. However, many ex-pats enjoy checking out the numerous open air markets that dot the city. Similar to Farmer's Markets, these are a great place to get great prices on locally grown produce. Bonus: You may get a chance to learn some of the local language (Khmer) and it puts you directly in touch with local culture in a low risk, comfortable manner. You do not have to be too adventurous to partake of this ex-pat experience, while collecting charming stories to tell back home someday. Ex-pats may love the local outdoor markets with their fresh, surprisingly cheap in season produce, but for more perishable items, like meat and dairy, many ex-pats prefer to shop at stores geared towards western sensibilities. These are western style grocery stores with air conditioning and refrigeration for perishables. Unsurprisingly, they are more readily available in some of the same neighborhoods where ex-pats tend to concentrate, such as BKK 1 and 2 or the Russian Market. You may especially enjoy the lingering French influence that is clearly present at such places. Their bakeries routinely carry croissants, baguettes and other authentic French style baked goods. Most ex-pats can find all their familiar favorites, just like back home. If you are feeling a bit homesick, you can just stock up on all of your "normal" foods and cook at home, giving some of the local eateries a rest for a bit. Then dip back into Cambodian culture again at will, whenever you feel like it.Wine and Spirits:If you are fond of good alcohol, it is surprising how readily available and affordable such things are in Cambodia. Many familiar brand names, such as Absolut Vodka, are readily available, usually for under $20. You can find wine shops and craft beers. There are bars and restaurants that will serve you cocktails. Happy Hour often means cocktails are half price. A can of local beer from a local shop is astonishingly cheap. You can also find experiences such as weekly rum tastings.Local Transportation:Within Phnom Penh, ex-pats and locals mostly travel by hiring tuk-tuk and "motos" (local slang for motorbikes). Tuk-tuks are carriages pulled by a motorbike. Going across town via tuk-tuk should cost around $5. Shorter trips within the city will be less.If you are traveling alone, you can catch a ride for a small fee on a moto. This will be cheaper, but more of an adventure. They are not particularly regulated here, thus most drivers are engaging in a casual form of unregulated entrepreneurship. Pretty much anyone who owns a motorbike can hire themselves out. They do not usually provide helmets for their passengers. Of course, they typically do not wear a helmet themselves either. Taxis can be found, but they mostly service the airport. If you really want a taxi, you should call and arrange one. They do not typically cruise the city looking for passengers, so it is not realistic to assume you can readily flag one down. In 2015, local bus service was established in the city. Unsurprisingly, given how new the system is, routes are limited and service is not yet reliable. This is something to look forward to for the future, but not something you should count on for basic transportation just yet.Travel Outside of the Capital:Phnom Penh’s International Airport is still being upgraded. Its ongoing expansion has added more international flights, both to and from the capital. There are multiple daily flights to Bangkok, Thailand, and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for less than $100. For about $50, you can take an Air Asia flight to their Kuala Lumpur hub, and from there go on to other parts of Asia. Although the local bus service is in its infancy, regional bus service has been around for some time. Thus, it has had the opportunity to mature. Typically for less than $20, you can find air conditioned buses to most parts of the country via Giant Ibis. For not much more money, it is also possible to find buses that will take you to a bordering country, such as Thailand. If you wish to go someplace not on an established bus route or you wish to retain additional control over your schedule, for a bit more money, you can also hire a car and driver to take you anywhere you wish to go.A Magnet for Foreign Nationals:Phnom Penh has much of the charm and opportunity that our parents found in so many places around the world, but which is nearly non-existent these days. This unusually low cost cosmopolitan city offers ready access to relatively obscure, exotic regional destinations. Plus, it has economic access to major markets, such as India, China and Australia. This makes it one of the few places left in the world where educated people from more developed nations can find abundant career opportunity while living like they are on a permanent vacation.Retiree’s Mecca:InternationalLiving.com’s Annual Global Retirement Index has just named Cambodia as 1 of 3 top retirement destinations worldwide. The retirement index seeks to compare and contrast retirement destinations around the world – all of which are exhibiting relatively low costs of living by global standards. Retiring in weaker economies is becoming a global trend for expats from more expensive, developed economies, as the relative costs of living in cheaper retirement destinations guarantees a better quality of life for pensioners. In the past 10 years the Kingdom of Cambodia has become one of Southeast Asia’s most up-and-coming destinations for tourists and expats looking to enjoy the exotic charm of a country that also offers the most attractive cost of living in Asia.Cambodia has flexible visa requirements for citizens of Western countries who can obtain annual long-stay visas with a minimum of paperwork and a processing fee of just $285 per year. When you get there, everything from entertainment to renting is very affordable in Cambodia. Meanwhile, the Cambodian government looks set to make it even easier to retire in the Kingdom…Meanwhile, the government has released plans to increase Cambodia’s attractiveness as a destination for foreign retirees, according to a draft policy from the Ministry of Tourism obtained by the Cambodia Daily. “The draft includes a range of proposals to extract more income from Cambodia’s tourist industry by encouraging foreigners to buy property and stay longer in the country, with involvement from the ministries of tourism, finance and land management,” said the Cambodia Daily report.The proposed policies are said to include measures such as the development of “special residences” throughout Cambodia with commercial tourist properties and a wide range of useful facilities. “Special tourists” such as retirees would have the right to buy, rent or sell property in these special residences, and also be entitled to longer-term and more flexible vi­sas, according to the draft of the policy.Enjoyed the Expat guide to Phnom Penh? Learn more about foreign property ownership in Cambodia!
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
本次论坛以“项目与合作对接”为主题,内容涉及柬埔寨房地产建设相关政策解析、投融资渠道、合作战略与项目对接推介等热点话题。通过主题演讲、案例分析、小组讨论、产品展示、会后考察等多元化沟通方式,深入探讨产业发展大趋势,为广大业内人士提供全面交流和沟通的平台。  柬埔寨房地产网realestate.com.kh作为论坛主要媒体合作伙伴,联合柬华日报,星洲日报,华商日报,CNC电视台等悉数出席了该论坛。 本次大会从早六点开始持续整一天,包含上午的“圆桌论坛”与下午的“开放论坛”两个环节。  “圆桌论坛”针对柬埔寨房地产投资、开发、建设、贷款、土地及房地产买卖、法律和税务、建筑和建材等领域的合作机遇进行探讨,并邀请柬埔寨企业代表分享在柬投资、扎根、发展、壮大的心得和经验。  (嘉宾分享中)    “开放论坛”对公众开放,将进行优质项目推介及资源对接,为中国企业或个人开拓海外投资市场提供平台、渠道与机遇,同时也为柬埔寨本地房地产产业链与优质中国制造开拓国际合作的新空间,达到共同发展、互惠互利的目标。其中,“太子现代广场”作为金边小户型公寓优质项目案例收到了两国专业人士的认可,并在大会上正式开启内部认购。 (开放讨论中)   主办方——来自中国的上海中柬投资咨询有限公司联合中国房地产俱乐部,邀请到了中柬两国企业家、商协会、金融机构代表、开发商及上下游企业代表作为会议嘉宾,共同探讨“一带一路”沿线国家特别是柬埔寨的投资环境、产业环境和房地产市场以及“一带一路”战略所带来的合作机遇及实践经验,整场会议可谓可谓干货满满!  上海中柬投资咨询有限公司设立于中国上海自由贸易区。公司相应中国“一带一路”战略,立足中国,扎根柬埔寨,致力于搭建中柬两国产业经济、文化交流往来的平台。自成立以来,公司已帮助众多希望分享柬埔寨发展红利的中国企业和个人对接项目,实现安全稳妥的投资落地;也为柬埔寨当地知名房地产企业和项目开拓中国大陆的广阔市场提供专业有效的市场咨询、营销策划及实施等服务。 会议上,中柬投资副总裁兼发言人讲到:“中国提出“一带一路”倡议后,作为沿线重要国家,柬埔寨对此高度重视,积极参与,从中寻求发展与合作机遇。柬埔寨首相洪森曾多次表示,’一带一路’倡议具有重大的历史意义,必将推动本地区互联互通和一体化建设,为地区国家发展带来巨大机遇。近日亚洲开发银行(ABD)发布了’2017年亚洲发展展望’预测报告。报告称,2017和2018两年,柬埔寨的GDP增长率将从2016年的7%再增加到7.1%。 当我们进一步了解到,柬埔寨70%的人口还处于青年阶段,人口红利还未爆发,我们的内心非常激动,柬埔寨的未来 就快来临!”  “太子现代广场”作为上海中柬投资咨询有限公司在柬埔寨的首作,承载着社会各界的认可与期待,势必不负众望。(认购火热进行中)    联系人:Nin KANG  中文电话:+855 78 637 323/ +855 93 552 305   邮件:nin.kang@realestate.com.kh地址:柬埔寨金边市BKK1区,57街与294街交汇 现在正是投资柬埔寨 查看柬埔寨更多投资指南及新闻,跟随realestate.com.kh
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
|| 柬埔寨房地产展会动向:Bodaiju菩提树已确认参加十月即将举办的柬埔寨房地产展会,在上届展会上bodaiju系列项目成功卖出21套,此次参展将力创新佳绩!展会独家活动:bodaiju菩提树为此次展会推出包租计划,展会购房者将获两年共计14%的出租回报!||(点击了解展会详情)扒一扒: 1.开发商靠谱程度:★★★★★满分 菩提树Bodaiju开发商为日本Creed房地产投资有限公司,是一家日本房地产投资企业,拥有日本成熟的房地产市场操作经验,同时也是产权投资与开发领域的专家.Creed集团在新加坡、马来西亚、柬埔寨、越南、孟加拉国以及日本都设有办事处,自2012年起就一直专注于亚洲房地产市场投资,与投资当地最好的企业合作并引入日本的专业技术。 Creed集团在全世界开发的项目已超过400个,由此可看出它的可靠性和丰富的经验。通过Bodaiju住宅区,你就能在金边中心即刻开启日式优质体验之旅。 项目名称:Bodaiju 菩提树房产类别:公寓产权时限:永久产权装修标准:精装修交房时间:2017年底,即买即到手总建筑面积:123000㎡项目规模:共6栋,每栋14层,每栋约180户项目房型:1房68㎡,2房109㎡均价:2300美元/平方米增值服务:包租2年,每年7%租金收益物业费:1-1.5元美金/平方米/月过户费:4%房产税:评估价的千分之一项目进度 查看柬埔寨更多热门楼盘跟随realestate.com.kh
BLUE BAY蓝色海湾国际公寓-在这里把你的日子过成诗。
BLUE BAY蓝色海湾国际公寓-在这里把你的日子过成诗。
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
或是夜阑风静縠纹平,或是倚门听浪声。住在这里,你真的可以把日子过成诗。想象一下,在顶级私密别墅观赏辽阔海景,在水上餐厅品尝顶级美食,遥望海上落日,乘坐橡皮艇游览红树林,到珊瑚岛浮潜,在沙滩上聚餐……是否动心了?今天小编就来扒一扒,给你诗一样居住体验的:蓝色海湾——BLUE BAY项目。  项目基本信息项目名称:BLUE BAY蓝色海湾国际公寓开发商:柬埔寨蜀柬天域发展有限公司住宅类型:公寓价格:一期均价约2100-2600美元/平米总价13万美元起,约80万人民币起户型面积区间:约55-160㎡交房时间:约2019年12月交房产权类型:永久产权项目规模:BLUE BAY总建筑高度约139米,地面建筑37层,是西港唯一的超高层标志性建筑。总建筑面积:BLUE BAY总建筑面积约11万㎡CASINO面积:约4500㎡购物中心(免税店):约2000㎡另有沙滩之上8000㎡风情主题配套公园,能满足不同客群度假需求 公寓总户数:共1440套(1楼层高10米,二楼层高6米,其他楼层的层高3.3米)★★★★☆大手笔,值得信赖!功能分层:B1层:133个停车位G层:赌场、酒店大堂、公寓入户大厅S层:免税店、餐厅、咖啡厅B栋1~18F、19~38F层为酒店式公寓C栋1~18F为星级酒店19~38F层:特色主题酒店RS层:为避难层及酒店大堂RF层:约2000㎡屋面泳池、露天休闲吧★★★★★:全面满足业主的休闲、娱乐、养生、运动的需要。地理位置地理位置:BLUE BAY建于西港独立海滩之上,真正的让您“与大海零距离”。鉴于柬埔寨国家旅游战略的实施,政府已经停止审批离海岸线100米内沙滩建筑,藉此,BLUE BAY将是西港永远唯一的沙滩之上旅游综合体项目,可谓极其稀缺和极具投资价值。★★★★★ 投资西港海滨公寓的唯一机会,下手趁早!  周边环境:项目3公里范围内:king fried chicken加油站、Idea source school;CDF免税店、ABA Bank、医院、夜市、海鲜市场等,交通便捷,周边生活配套设施齐全! 交通:火车站,轮渡码头, 4号国道,西哈努克国际机场应有尽有,妈妈再也不用担心我的出行啦!  购物:Kids style SHV、Smart shop,The Man购物中心,肯德基,西港最有名的海滨码头夜市,CDF免税店,双狮广场等消费集中地触手可得。 学校:Samdech ov secondary school,Idea source schoo了,University of Mananement and Economic等均在周边医院:位于双狮广场旁的西港人民医院,开车约6分钟旅游景点:独立海滩、索卡海滩、奥彻迭海滩、胜利海滩、珍宝海滩、高龙岛、高龙撒冷岛,竹岛、猴山公园、双狮广场、波科山避暑胜地、利阿国家公园、科保柴瀑布、圣米歇尔天主教堂、西哈努克山等。其中,到双狮广场、奥彻迭沙滩开车只需5分钟!BLUE BAY内部配套:出门总是不方便?住在BLUE BAY,你要的全都有:国际免税购物中心、国际博彩中心、全球美食汇、天际游泳池、无边际泳池、独立沙滩、游艇码头、海上栈道、海上木屋、海上喷泉、沙滩酒吧、海上表演舞台等。 项目工程公寓的建修分为三大部分:基础、主体、装修。BLUE BAY采用独特的建筑立面设计风格将引领整个西港迅速融入世界海岸旅游整体,大体量单通廊结构设计,大大增加观海面积,让每个房间通风采光俱佳。 BLUE BAY相信,让建筑耸立于大地的,不是砖瓦与钢材,而是人类的智慧与考究。因此BLUE BAY梁柱及楼板全部由钢筋高密结网与混凝土现浇而成,建筑质量安全有保障。干挂花岗岩商业裙楼,隐框中空断桥铝合金外窗, LOW-E中空镀膜玻璃,建筑内外层预设阻热保温层,经久耐用。从每一细节开始雕琢,以现代、精致的建筑呈现于世,处处建树奢华、美感、健康、环保、品味无处不在的豪宅品质。★★★★★项目高达95%都为观海公寓,在整个世界同类建筑中都属于匠心之作! 扒了这么多,你心动了吗?即刻起拥有一套BLUE BAY—柬埔寨唯一沙滩上建滨海亲水豪宅,您将享受360°全景海岸风景,品位海景人生,属于您的海居尊尚新时代将正式开始!
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
元旦将至,新的一年即将到来。2017年太子地产集团在广大客户的支持与厚爱下,太子中央广场、太子现代广场、钻石名邸等项目迎来了火爆热销,成就金边销冠。太子感恩,将年终钜惠进行到底,限量20套房源特惠9%,售完即止,不容错失!太子中央广场 太子中央广场位于金边市诺罗敦大道南段,是金边的核心区域,屹立于金边CBD时尚生活圈之上,四臂湾大皇宫、国家博物馆、独立碑等金边城市地标以及澳大利亚、日本、泰国、俄罗斯等国大使馆皆设于周边,整个区域是金边政治、经济、文化等汇聚的焦点,地段优势十分明显。   项目总开发面积约10万平方米,共37层。项目集合体验式购物街、大型生活超市、国际美食广场、SOHO公寓、阔景华宅、LOFT复式公寓、休闲会所等多种业态于一身,兼具购物、娱乐、餐饮、居家、旅游、文化体验等不同功能配套;提取Shopping mall的优点,融入ARTDECO设计风格和现代商业规划理念,将打造一站式都会生活圈。2017年5月,太子中央广场已完成封顶,并将于2018年5月30日交房,23-175㎡世界级轻奢公寓不容错过。 太子现代广场  目前,太子地产集团在诺罗敦大道除了在建的太子中央广场外,还有热销的太子现代广场和规划在案的太子时代广场。其中太子现代广场总建筑面积6.3万平方米,由一栋国际高端写字楼、一栋酒店式公寓以及1-7层的停车库三部分组成,配有文化长廊、健身房和空中泳池、书吧、空中花园等完善休闲设施,共27层楼。 项目以比肩第一太平戴维斯的国际酒店式物管,给现代公寓带来升级化的服务标准和先瞻性的无上礼遇;以国际标准匠心设计31-67㎡国际酒店式公寓,百变灵动空间,户户景观阳台,专为年轻一代时尚白领精英打造。钻石名邸 钻石名邸位于钻石岛正核心,雄踞风水龙脉之上,由一幢公寓及43席联排别墅组成,完美架空、豪华精装、奢阔庭院,为您营造出精致、安定、恒久的高端城市居所。项目周边永旺超市、加拿大国际学校、国际展览中心、歌剧院、法国城商店街等林立,繁华一览无余。拥享购物、娱乐、休闲、餐饮一体化生活。  项目还充分发挥设计创意,将丰富的架空景观与园林景观融为一体,遥相呼应。同时开拓地下空间,尊享双车位顶级荣耀。从社区入口到单元入户,引进国际先进家居智能安防系统,缔造固若金汤的私人城堡,让您享受科技带来的尊贵体验。目前钻石名邸52-136㎡法式一线水岸公寓、现房发售,即买即住。 太子地产集团快速崛起土地储备达360余万平方米▼太子地产集团自2015年成立以来,深耕柬埔寨王国,制定十年的发展规划,积极布局,整合资源,专业运营,秉承“使命、责任、尊重、仁爱、创新”的企业精神,打造房地产的闭环体系,并先后注册成立15个子公司及机构,已逐步发展成为柬埔寨实力强劲的综合性集团公司。太子地产集团在将中国最先进的房地产开发模式嫁接到柬埔寨的同时,还把相关的产业引入柬埔寨,全产业链为房地产助力。太子地产集团以睿智的战略远见,立足金边辐射西港、暹粒等地。迄今,集团土地储备达360余万平方米,总建筑体量500万平方米。其中,金边土地储备位于莫尼旺大道、俄罗斯大道等核心地段;在西港,除了在建的太子大酒店以外,集团还规划有太子天玺湾及独立岛屿——太子大吉岛等。 以首席中央商务区“再造”金边未来十年拟投资50亿美元▼根据太子地产集团十年发展规划,接下来集团将倾力打造柬埔寨第一高度的地标性建筑——太子时代广场。项目业态将涵盖5A写字楼、5星级酒店、公寓、大型shopping mall、休闲商业步行街、滨河商业步行街等全功能业态。项目将国际化的商业都会中心带入柬埔寨,以高标准的中心商业典范打造柬埔寨的首席消费娱乐购物场所。同时,太子中央广场和太子现代广场将依托于此形成三足鼎立之势,成就金边乃至东盟的首席中心地标。十年内,集团将投资约50亿美元助推柬埔寨房地产行业发展。而未来,在太子地产集团的战略下,将以城市发展的高度,在此规划百万方的恢弘建筑,缔造金边首席中央商务区。城市的优秀资源都将汇聚于此,促成金边商务、商业格局提升。同时还将形成强大的聚合效应,把这里打造成为金边最为高端的商务、商业中心区域,从而推动金边向全球性的国际化大都市升级。 年终钜惠 金边销冠,太子感恩 限量20套特惠9%     查看柬埔寨更多投资指南及新闻,跟随Realestate.com.kh
June 6, 2022, 5:04 p.m.
Realestate News
|| 柬埔寨房地产展会动向:Bodaiju菩提树已确认参加十月即将举办的柬埔寨房地产展会,在上届展会上bodaiju系列项目成功卖出21套,此次参展将力创新佳绩! 展会独家活动:bodaiju菩提树为此次展会推出包租计划,展会购房者将获两年共计14%的出租回报!||(点击了解展会详情) 扒一扒: 1.开发商靠谱程度:★★★★★满分 菩提树Bodaiju开发商为日本Creed房地产投资有限公司,是一家日本房地产投资企业,拥有日本成熟的房地产市场操作经验,同时也是产权投资与开发领域的专家. Creed集团在新加坡、马来西亚、柬埔寨、越南、孟加拉国以及日本都设有办事处,自2012年起就一直专注于亚洲房地产市场投资,与投资当地最好的企业合作并引入日本的专业技术。 Creed集团在全世界开发的项目已超过400个,由此可看出它的可靠性和丰富的经验。通过Bodaiju住宅区,你就能在金边中心即刻开启日式优质体验之旅。 项目名称:Bodaiju 菩提树房产类别:公寓产权时限:永久产权装修标准:精装修交房时间:2017年底,即买即到手总建筑面积:123000㎡项目规模:共6栋,每栋14层,每栋约180户项目房型:1房68㎡,2房109㎡均价:2300美元/平方米增值服务:包租2年,每年7%租金收益物业费:1-1.5元美金/平方米/月过户费:4%房产税:评估价的千分之一项目进度 项目进度
June 7, 2022, 6:54 a.m.
Realestate News
Home & Living
柬埔寨的房地产市场在过去十年中经历了巨大的增长和变化,外国投资者的涌入使该领域的竞争愈发激烈,为吸引更多买家,绝大部分的开发商都会提供保证租金回报(GRR)。 01 什么是保证租金回报(GRR)? 保证租金回报(GRR)是未来的租金收入,由开发商或管理公司在购买协议签订后的合同期限内向房产购买者提供担保。 对于想要尝试新的、有点未知的国际市场的投资者来说,保证租金回报(GRR)是非常具有吸引力的,因为这可以确保业主以每月租金的形式获得被动收入。 Huttons CPL首席执行官Sharon Liew此前指出,柬埔寨标准净回报率一般是4%—9%不等,通常为2至5年一个周期。但需要更多地考虑其他因素来确保租金回报的真实性以及其长久存在的价值。 例如:房屋价格10万美元保证租金回报(GRR)每年6%期限2年预期收益2年共12000美元 02 如何确保租金回报的真实性及价值?  ☞ 确保保证租金回报包含在合同内 这是至关重要的一点,如果只是口头承诺和宣传手段,那它只是一个虚幻的东西,并不能保障业主利益。但当有了具有法律约束的合同,并包含未产生收入的追索,就能够保证租金回报具有价值。 ☞ 保证租金回报还是毛租金回报? 其次要考虑的是,可能会降低预期回报的额外成本。一些新手常犯的一个错误是采用保证租金回报(GRR)作为参考点来计算他们的回报。 Tilleke & Gibbins 柬埔寨董事兼合伙人 Jay Cohen指出,投资者需要了解开发商可能会施加的用以降低租金回报的其他因素。例如,管理费、偿债基金、家具套餐和财产税等。 例如:房屋价格10万美元保证租金回报(GRR)每年6%期限2年预期收益2年共12000美元管理费$125/月(2年共3000美元)水电费$80/月(2年共1920美元)实际收益2年共7080美元 所以,一定要明确将保证租金回报和拥有财产的相关成本写入合同文件的重要性,并了解开发商在合同规定的时间内能够提供的净回报是多少。 ☞ 评估承诺租金收入是否现实 Jay Cohen 指出,开发商通常会查看类似层级的周边房产,同时计算他们想要的投资回报率,以提出具体的保证租金回报(GRR) 。一些开发商会夸大租金保证数字,为买家考虑其投资的长期利益创造良好的印象。 投资者需要考虑承诺的租金收入在当前市场是否现实和可实现,如果显然不切实际,投资者应该预见,在保证租赁期结束后,其回报会大大减少。 一般来说,预计的保证租金回报率通常比市场租金低20%左右,以保护开发商免受任何损失 - 这意味着任何高于20%的项目投资可能太好,不真实。  03 妥善管理物业是保证租金回报的关键 最后,买方必须考虑开发商或他们的物业管理公司是否有能力和资源来妥善管理物业,并在保证期内为物业维持租户。  寻找一个经验丰富的物业管理运营,真的很重要。如果这些元素不存在,开发商可能会膨胀房产的价格,将租金保证作为卖出房产的附加“成本”。 因此,一定要检查保证租金回报(GRR)协议的有效性和管理团队的质量,新的公寓5年内很容易维护,但如果管理公司没有预留任何维修费用那样情况就比较糟糕了。 04 GRR 的不可抗力、执行和争议解决 柬埔寨的保证租金回报是在房地产蓬勃发展时期出现的,国际商务旅客和游客纷至沓来,来自农村地区的柬埔寨人涌现金边等大城市务工,促使购房和租房市场不断壮大。但新冠疫情的发生打乱了这种增长趋势。 面对这种不可抗力因素,开发商是否能够降低或者停止提供保证租金回报(GRR)? Jay Cohen 表示,这取决于投资者和开发商之间签订的合同条款。柬埔寨有不可抗力因素的法律概念,开发商可能会依赖这项法律,如果投资者和开发商之间发生争议,法院仲裁是一个很好的解决途径。 Jay Cohen 提醒投资者,除了买卖协议 (SPA) 之外,还应该有一份文件,明确规定 GRR、开发商的义务以及买方应承担的任何其他额外费用。 柬埔寨房产项目咨询请添加↓↓↓ 查看柬埔寨更地理简介及新闻,跟随柬埔寨房地产网Realestate.com.kh